Chapter Twenty Eight

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Alexander appeared completely frozen after my outburst.

I had planned in my head how to tell him about our pup, and this definitely hadn't been the way, but the words escaped before I could think.

"Alexander," I whispered after a good minute of silence. "Are you okay?"

Alexander's brows knitted together. His eyes scanned my face before they travelled down to my stomach, making me squirm in my seat. He was glancing at me with such intense eyes.

Was he not happy about the news? Because I didn't blame him if he wasn't. We were still awaiting the results of the DNA, I couldn't blame him for having any ill feelings. But the thought made me feel sad.

I wanted at least one of us to react in a happy way to the news of us expecting our pup, but that did not seem the case with Alexander either.

I thought Alexander was going to say something when he cleared his throat, but instead, completely surprised me by wrapping his arms around me and pulled me flush in to him.

"Oh, Lyra," he finally muttered, letting out a shaky breath. "You're having a pup? My pup?"

I blinked a couple of times, registering his words a bit slower than normal. I pulled back. "You're not mad?"

Alexander frowned. "Mad? Baby, why would I be mad? You're going to birth our pup."

His hands immediately groped my stomach, and he leaned down to be levelled with the tiny-slowly developing pup.

"Hey, little Alpha," he whispered. "It's your daddy."

I rolled my eyes but chuckled. "I thought you would be angry because the timing is terrible and the possibility of the other pup—"

Alexander cut me off by lifting his head and pressed his lips to mine. His hand supported my neck by holding me firmly.

I responded to his kiss eagerly, enjoying his close proximity.

"This is perfect," he murmured against my lips. "You are perfect."

I pecked at his lips a couple of more times, overjoyed to know he was in fact ready to be a father.

"I wanted to wait until the results were out to tell you," I told him, biting my lower lip.

Alexander smiled adoringly at me. "And you did," he stated.

"What do you mean?" I asked, confused.

"Baby, the pup is not mine."

My brows furrowed at his words, and I glanced at him, completely stunned.

"The pup isn't yours?" I repeated, my eyes slowly widening at the news.

Alexander chuckled softly, before brushing a piece of my hair out of my face. "Correct. Our pup is my only pup."

I quite literally threw myself on top of him, squealing at the news. He didn't share a pup with that bitch, and that excited both my wolf and I.

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