The Great News

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"Y/N Y/L/N!!!"

I could hear my mother screeching my name down the hall. The clear skies from earlier this afternoon have since disappeared, and dark clouds now cover the sky. 

Glancing over at my alarm clock beside my bed, I read the time, '6.57pm'. Dinner time. I stroll down into the kitchen, and see that mum has made a pasta.

I holler a "thank you", to mum, and carry my plate back to my small bedroom. Flicking on the TV, I find Brooklyn 99, and continue watching from season 6, episode 7.

After a few episodes, my eyelids are drooping, and the rest of my family is sound asleep. 

By now I'm aimlessly tapping away at my phone, the only notifications coming through at this hour are the weather updates.

Sighing to myself, I put down my phone on my bedside table, and pull up the sheets, letting the warmth lull me to sleep.



The familiar alarm tone wakes me up, alerting me to get ready for school. I drag myself out of the cozy blankets, and into the stiff school dress. 

After I put my hair up in a bun, I instinctively grab my phone, and check my emails. Today however, at the top of the inbox, was an email with the subject line "Recent Audition".

I tap on the email, not knowing what to expect. 

3 Months Ago

I had been in the mall with two of my friends, and was sitting outside of 'Cotton On', after we had spent at least three hours browsing in shops. Don't get me wrong, I love a good shop, but this was overdoing it. 

Anyways, I was waiting for them in a cafe, when a lady with short brown hair sat next to me. She had introduced herself as "Cara Williams", a name which I had immediately recognised. 

Cara Williams is a director, but not just any director, an amazing director. She had worked with talented actors and actresses like Johnny Depp, Leonardo Dicaprio, Sandra Bullock, Emma Watson, and, as she had directed some of the movies and TV shows, most of the Marvel cast.

She had told me I was much like a character she had envisioned to star in her new movie, and asked if I had any previous acting experience, which I hadn't.

She asked me if I would like to audition and gave me the time, location, and date. 

After much contemplation, Dad drove me to the audition, which went ok, considering I had never done anything like it before. This was a while ago, and I hadn't heard from her since then. I had assumed that someone else had gotten the part.

Present Day

The email itself read:

Recent Audition

Hello Y/n!

I'm sorry for emailing you out of the blue, but I have some interesting news for you!

The actress who was chosen to play "Arabella Spink", in the upcoming movie I'm directing, has opted out of the role. 
It would be a pleasure if you would like to play "Arabella" for us? 

Please email back and let me know of your response at your earliest convenience. 


Cara Williams



2 Days Later

Instead of my alarm waking me up, I woke up an hour and a half before my alarm. I race down the hall and skid out into the kitchen, where my Dad is up making his usual morning coffee.

"You're looking happy this morning", he directs towards me.
"Yes Father dearest, yes I am"
"First day on set I hear?"

I practically leap with excitement. "YES". After receiving the email from Cara, I had, of course, told her that I would love to meet her on set, and today, after a long two days, was the first day I was required. 

The set is about a two hour drive from my house, and a car has been sent to pick me up. 

I was also given a list of things to bring in a bag for my trailer, as well as my parents, grandparents, aunts and uncles giving me things to take with me. 

I told Dad to keep an ear out for a knock on the door, and hopped in the shower. Just as I had stepped out the shower the doorbell rang. I rushed through to my room and got dressed in record time. 

Gathering every last item I thought I would need, I lug all my stuff into the living room, where my Dad was sitting with some random guy, having a conversation.

Once they noticed me coming in, the guy, who first introduced himself as "Eric", helped carry my stuff to the door. Instead of the car I expected, a limo was parked outside.

Dad, who had walked out behind me, let out a whistle, and helped Eric load my stuff into the fancy vehicle.

After I said goodbye to my family, promising I'll text and call them everyday. I got in the back of the limo, and sat down. I was only going to be gone for three nights, but based on their reactions, you would think I was leaving for a few months. 

Eric was a nice guy, he kept to himself for the most part, and he gave me gum for the ride. I could hardly sit still. The excitement of meeting everyone was enough to keep me energized.

"Hey Eric?"
"Am I allowed to know who else is in the movie?", I questioned, as it had only just occurred to me that there might be famous people on set.

"Sorry Y/n I'm not allowed to say any names....but I can almost guarantee you will know a few".

What...the....shit. If Eric, who knows almost nothing about me, thinks I will know the people on set, that must mean the people must be pretty famous right?

Eric pulls up in a parking space with a bunch of trailers on either side. After we get out, he helps me carry all my stuff to a trailer with "Y/N Y/L/N", written on a piece of paper and taped to the door.

He leaves me to set up and get changed, and after I get settled in, I notice a map of the place we are staying, as well as a note from Cara.

Welcome Y/n! I hope you're settling in nicely. On the map, theres a little building called 'headquarters', if you want to come over there anytime after five, I can fill you in on all the little details of how things run here, and you can meet some of your fellow cast members. Hoping to see you soon,

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