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When the van pulled to a complete stop, everyone filed out of the van. I was still recovering from my nap, the grogginess hadn't dissipated. 

Lizzie could tell how disoriented, I was, and she kept a hold of my hand, carefully leading me out and to where everyone was gathered at the entrance. More and more vans pulled up, each letting out a small crowd of cast members. 

When everyone was here, Cara stood up front. She had booked the entire park for the day, so there was no issue with standing in lines. 

As she briefed us all, I leant back into Lizzie, who stood behind me. 

"I'm not big on adrenaline rushes", she laughed nervously as everyone was deciding on their first rides. 

"Then brace yourself because I'm not allowed to go anywhere without you", I replied, dragging her to The Giant Drop. 

We got a seat next to each other, and as we were being slowly lifted to the top of the tower, I look over to Lizzie.

"I'm starting to have second thoughts about choosing you as my partner". She yelled to me. I rolled my eyes, holding out my hand for her to grab. When we got to the top it held us there for a moment. 

"Open your eyes", I hollered over to the terrified blonde who was gripping my hand so hard it was starting to hurt. She reluctantly squinted her eyes open and looked around. The park was huge, and from up here you could see everything. 

"Oh it's actually quite beaut- AHHH" she was cut off as we plummeted towards the ground. I was screaming in excitement as she screamed in pure fear. When we got off she looked at me, a small smile played at her lips as she spoke. 

"You know, I think I get to pick the next ride".

After a few rides we met up with Lilly and Emma after a while and stuck with them for the rest of the day. At one point,Lilly and I went on the Ferris wheel while Emma and Lizzie went to go find some food.

"Emma's so much fun, she told me all about her role as Hermione, and what it was like to film the movies", Lilly ranted as we were carried up. 

"Oh, those movies shaped my childhood"

"They literally made me the person I am today".

We sat in silence for a bit, looking over at all the cast doing their own thing. 
"Is that Evans and Downey on the merry-go-round?"
"I think so"

"I can't believe we actually know these people", I say, spotting Scarlett with some little boy. 

"I know right! It's crazy"

The rest of the day was spent on various rides, towards the end Lilly and I found the water arena. We each grabbed a water gun that was stacked at the entrance and ran inside. We watched from behind a whale structure as Emma and Lizzie geared up. 

As they entered we ambushed them, drenching their clothes. This started a war that lasted for about two hours, and eventually most of the cast were in on it. Teams had formed and sides were drawn. 

By the end of it an announcement was made over the speaker that it was time to go home and we all left, thankfully they gave us all towels and we shuffled our way back to the vans. 

Lizzie climbed in first, getting the window seat while I went to sit beside her. As I did, she held out her arms. I gratefully cuddled into her, and she wrapped her towel around me, as well as my own. 

I  looked across and saw Lilly smirk at me. She also had her head resting on Emma's shoulder so I smirked back. It was clear we were all exhausted from the big day, and I think we all must've fallen asleep on the ride back because as I woke up, everyone else had the same, sleepy look. 

I go to pull myself up, but Lizzie's arms were still wrapped tightly around me. She mumbled something incoherent, but still didn't let go. By now, we were the last people in the van so I gently nudged her and she reluctantly stood up.

As we got out I heard Cara telling us we have the rest of the day off. And by now it looked to be about 5pm. I follow Lizzie to her trailer, unsure of where to go. I couldn't see Lilly through the mass of people. 

"You can have first shower", Lizzie offers, handing me one of her shirts and sweatpants. 

"No you can go first", I insist, we're both shivering in our damp clothes and it's her trailer so it's only fair. Lizzie tilts her head to the side, raising her eyebrows. 

"The Wanda Maximoff stare isn't going to work on me Olsen", I laugh, but I'm already backing into the bathroom.

Lizzie's POV

Y/n comes out of the bathroom dressed in my clothes. I smile at her before going to have my own shower. 

When I come out, I see her lying in my bed. I go closer and I can tell by her slowed breathing that she's fallen asleep. 

As I put my phone on charge, hers light up with a message. I go to turn it off, but the message catches my eye. It's not snooping if I didn't mean to.

The Three Bears

We're proud of you
You can send the money straight to my bank account when you get paid

I put down her phone slowly. Why's her dad asking for money? As far as I know this is her first job, she's just a kid. 

I look over to her small sleeping figure and slowly creep into the bed beside her. It's only 6pm but the day seems to have taken its toll. 

As if by instinct, the second I pull the covers up Y/n curls up into me, her arm stretches over my stomach and she rests her head on my shoulder, still very much asleep.

I trace circles on her back as she sleeps. Slowly I start to realise how much I care for the small girl who's fallen asleep on me. I move my hand from her back to her head, holding her close. I never want to let go. 

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