She's Back

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We pulled up and I sat up, smiling uncontrollably as we pulled in. With the stops we made it was late afternoon, and the set was lit up.

"Wow you are happy to be going back", Eric noted, catching my huge grin.

"So much".

I clutched my dead phone in my hand, the battery had died before I had seen if Scarlett or Lizzie replied, and I was excited, but also slightly nervous to see them, mostly because I'd been ignoring them these past few weeks.

The second the engine stopped I thanked Eric and jumped outside, grabbing my suitcase. I wheeled it over to my old trailer, that now had both me and Lillys names printed on it. I used the key that Cara told me was hidden under a rock, and let myself in, dumping the case on the floor.

Deciding on going to HQ, I walked out into the slightly cold dusk air. On my I passed by Lizzie and Scarletts trailer. Scarletts lights were off and curtains were drawn, but Lizzies had a warm glow emitting from between the cracks.

Taking a deep breath, I change paths and head towards her trailer. I stop abruptly when I hear muffled voices coming from inside. 

Immediately I recognize the other voice to be Scarlett. I couldn't make out a lot of what was being said, but I caught snippets of the conversation. 

"What about.....she could....emancipation?"
"I mean if.....yeah but.....good option".

I paused for a moment. Were they talking about me? I'd never actually considered properly leaving my parents. I mean yeah they've become toxic and I can take care of myself well enough now, but where would I go? 

Shaking it off, I go up and knock on the door. The trailer goes silent for a few seconds, then I shuffling on the other side of the door. 

The door opens a crack and Lizzie peers out, when she sees it's me, she flings open the door fully. 

"Y/N!", before I manage to say anything, Lizzie pulls me inside and into a huge hug. "I'm glad your back love, it's been ages". When we pull apart I look up and smile at her. "Yeah...sorry about that", I apologized, referring to the obvious ghosting on my part. 

"We're sorry", Scarlett spoke up from behind Lizzie. "We should've reacted better". 

I found myself hurtling towards where she was sitting on the bed and throwing myself at her. We both fell backwards onto the bed and I could feel her laughing underneath me. 

I'm not gonna lie, it felt like home to be back here. They felt like home.

Within a few minutes, I was curled up into Scarletts side as Lizzie left to HQ to have dinner. 

"You can go get some dinner too Scarly", she smiled down at me, shaking her head. 

"It's okay, I'm not hungry". I pushed a little more but there was no changing her mind, so I finally gave up and returned to my spot cuddled into her. 

"I missed being here, it was a long few weeks", I thought aloud. 
"I missed you, movie nights weren't the same without you". I smiled at Scarletts comment. 

Later that night, I was drifting asleep in Lizzie's bed, tuning in and out of her and Scarletts conversation. They were talking about some work scenes that they had to shoot tomorrow. 

Eventually I heard Scarlett say goodnight to Lizzie. I was too close to sleep to sit up, but I felt her press her lips to my forehead, whispering a "goodnight", before the door opened and closed. 

I kept my eyes shut and Lizzie did her own thing for a few minutes before she climbed in beside me carefully, trying not to wake me. When she lay down I shuffled over towards her, and she pulled me into her side. 

The next morning

Lizzies POV
I woke up to Y/ns sleeping figure cuddled into me. I smiled at the sight. Since she's been gone Scarlett and I have spent almost every night trying to think of ways to get her out of her parents care. So far the only half-decent idea we've had is for her to get emancipated, that would mean she legally becomes an adult, but doesn't mean she couldn't stay with me or Scarlett. 

I let out an unexpected sigh. Y/n was worth it. 

Just then, she stirred from beside me, rubbing her eyes. 

"Morning love", I notice the way her eyes light up as she hears me. 
"Morning Liz".

This girl, with her sparkling eyes and contagious laughter, was beginning to occupy a space in my heart that I hadn't known was empty. Something about her made me feel protective, as though I would fight anyone who tried to hurt her. 

Her eyes met mine and she smiled at me. 
"What are you staring at", she asked groggily. "Is there something on my face?"

"No my love, you're perfect"

Short chapter because I have no motivation but its been ages

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