First day on set

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I will admit, I really enjoyed having my own trailer. It had everything I could possibly need. I had spent a good hour just organising my stuff last night.

I woke up at 5.30am to my phone ringing. Who the hell is calling me at this hour. 

I sit up and grab my phone, checking the caller ID. 

Emma Watson

"Hello?", I answer, trying my best not to sound as though I had just woken up.

"Morning Y/n, have you just woken up?".
"Nah I've been up for a bit", I lie.
"Oh ok, Chris and Robert want to know if you'd like to go out with us for breakfast?"
"Yeah that sounds fun".
"Great, I'll tell Eric to pick you up in about half and hour"

After the call ends, I stumble out of the small bed and open the mini wardrobe, searching for something to wear.

I wasn't sure how fancy this breakfast was, so I went with jeans and a hoodie. 

When Eric knocked on my door, I had everything ready. He led me back to the 'headquaters', where the others were already waiting. 

Everyone greeted us with hugs, and after we had all said hello, we took a hired car to a place called "Groovy Days Diner", which was a humble, 80's themed restaurant. 

We were seated by a nice lady, who immediately recognised Chris, RDJ, and Emma. Eric I struggled to contain our laughter as the waitress got all flustered, earning us both amused looks from the trio.

The food was payed for by the company, so there was no arguing over who would pay. 

All the boys got the Big Breafast, and Emma got the waffle stack. I myself also got the waffles, as well as mozzarella sticks. 

Our food arrived in no time, and I could see the boys eyeing up my cheese sticks. 

My mozzarella sticks quickly became table mozzarella sticks, as everyone just helped themselves. In return though, I made sure to steal a few of all their fries.

While we eat I question the others about acting, considering they've all had much more experience than I have. 

"What happens if you can't stay serious in a scene?"
"Nothing usually, sometimes they'll shoot another scene and circle back round to the one you were originally doing", Chris answers me.

"Although, when I was filming Harry Potter, they'd give what they called 'red cards', to anyone who misbehaved or kept ruining the scene", Emma pointed out. 

"What happened if you got a red card?", I question further.
"It cost us five pounds", she laughed.

They had better not do that on this set or I'd be broke before the first day. By the time we finish, my stomach is aching from the amount of food I had just consumed. 

The ride back is rather silent, with everyone being full and getting ready to start the day. 

When we arrive, a group of people who I soon discovered to be the hair and makeup crew led us to small, individual trailers. I sat patiently while a lady who introduced herself as "Clare", fussed about my hair and, painted small individual freckles on my face.

She told me about all the celebrity drama she had heard from clients, and kept me well entertained. When she was done, Cara found me, and directed me to the first set. 

"Now theres someone here I want you to meet", her excited tone made me smile. 

A small face appeared from behind a green screen, while we had mildly different facial features, this girl looked like my twin. She was even wearing the same clothes as the ones I'd been given for the first scene.

"This is your stunt double, any scenes you're away for or any dangerous acts, Lilly here will step in". 

I smiled at this replica of me, and she smiled back. Look at me already making friends.

Cara leaves us to get aqquainted, and I get to know Lilly. As it turns out she had moved into the place that wasn't far from my house. She even started at the same school I went to. Except she has started yesterday.

We talked for around half an hour, before we were called onto the set.

My character 'Arabella Spink', was the daughter of the lead in the movie, 'Marshall Spink', played by Chris Evans. Basically I'm concealing the fact that I've inherited my dads powers until about halfway through the movie. 

The lines were easy enough to remember, and as I'm called up, Lilly wishes me goodluck.

I shove my hands in my pockets to hide the fact that I'm shaking. I can't lie, I'm nervous as all hell.

Movie Scene:

Arabella sprinted up to her dad after a long day at school. 
"Hey peanut", her dad squeezes her in a tight hug.
They move towards the table, that carried two plates of spagetti. 

"Anything interesting happen at school today?", He questions the girl.
"No not really, can you please get the salt and pepper?", Arabella asks him. 

With a wave of his hand, blue wisps of smoke-like texture were expelled from his outstretched hand. The wisps dissapeared into the kitchen, and return with salt and pepper mysteriously floating amongst the wisps. (Good word 'wisps')

End Scene

The scene changes went on for the entire day, and during the breaks I found myself hanging out with Lilly, or some of the extras that had a lot of free time. 

A loud bell rang through the entire set, which RDJ informed me signalled the end of the day. 

It was around 6.00pm so I went back to my trailer, promising to message Lilly. 

Once I got there, I grabbed the waterproof speaker, and had an hour-long shower, considering there was unlimited hot water here, I figured I had better make the most of it. 

I spent the next two hours messaging people, and just enjoying the time to myself, or rather, I was, until Eric let himself into my trailer to "keep me company".

I couldn't complain though, he brought me KFC and wanted to ask me about my first day on set. 

"What do you think of movie life so far?"
"I think it's pretty bloody good"
"It suits you", he laughs.

Later that night I lay awake in bed. A warmth spread through my body. I was starring in a movie. A sense of pride swelled in me, and stayed with me through the night.

Life On Setحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن