old life

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no ones POV:

stiles had gone missing 3 years ago, after just getting kicked out of the pack. his jeep was found smashed on a tree and no trace of him.

now he's back, everything seems normal but somethings off, he doesn't seem soft anymore, rarely laughs and seems on edge. he doesn't change in front  of anyone and is much more closed off. no one knows what happened in those 3 years and it seems stiles intends to keep it that way.

heads up he's been back about 1 month so we're picking it up from there. newt and minho are not here... yet.

thomas' POV:

my alarm clock blares in my ears and i hurl it at my wall with a huff, hearing a satisfying crunch the alarm fully stops. i'll have to get a new one, again,

sitting up, i pop my shoulders and blink away the grogginess.  i push myself off the bed and lay out my outfit, blue t-shirt, dirty green coat and grey tracksuits it's the middle of summer but not a chance anyone's seeing my arms.  black converse to top it off. newts favourite. i smile fondly. newt. and get ready.

-time skip cuz i'm lazy asf and it's 2am-

i head downstairs, where my dad is, he's sitting at the table with a mug of black coffee, i grab it off him, chug it and slam the cup down chuckling. galley would be proud (i'm a galley lover deal with it)

"stiles what the hell i just brewed that! hope your mouth is burnt, at least make me another"

he exclaimed smiling too.
good. i still seem  the same.

"sorry  noa- dad, oh would you look at the time. gotta run"

he gives me an odd look but waves me away, numbing under his breath about coffee or something.

as soon as i shut the door behind me i begin to jog, slowly at first before picking up the pace, it's only a 7mile run and i need it to stay fit.  i pass houses of people i don't care about. i listen out for potential threats. being in a maze, running for your life everyday will do that to a person.
as i cross into the woods i full on sprint. no longer wary of anyone catching me. my feet pound on the soft earth and i storm through. it's exhilarating and reminds me of the glade. a bitter sweet memory.

panting slightly i arrive at the school gates and slow to a walk, slouching slightly to seal the deal.

"hey stiles over here"
i hear scott shout. i almost didn't respond god i gotta get used to sTiLeS
i smile at him. the smile doesn't quite reach my eyes.

"hey man what's up?"
"nothing but we got maths first. have you done the work"
have i done the work. of course i have i know all of this stuff. being here is useless to me. i learn nothing at all.

i say

"aww man your so screwed, teachers gonna kill u"
scott chuckles
i scoff, i'm smarter than everyone here, in common sense and knowledge.
still i need this act up.

look i know it's not good lying to friends but listen. my friends, no family are the gladers. i got separated from them and now i'm alone, these guys who were supposedly my friends before.  kicked me out of their weird ass pack for killing someone in self defence. i do not wanna see their reaction if they ever found out how much blood i have on my hands. they would try to kill me. t r y.
this is for the best i'm sure. as soon as i find newt and the rest of the gladers. i'll drop the facade. maybe. but god these guys are stupid.

"cmon stiles let's head to class"
scott said as the rest of the pack showed up.
i payed them little attention as they drew near. i zoned out of all their conversations about the latest drama, oh no someone was rude to scott. the poor alpha. someone tried to grab my arm. spinning out their reach i walked off. not a fan of physical touch.

-fuck class i'm not writing that-

next subject is... gym. the worst one of them all. all the pack is so cocky, waiting for me, letting me 'catch up' i could beat all their times if i wanted to but stiles couldn't so stiles won't. 
as we sit in the locker room i let my mind drift
i hope newts okay i miss him so much. i don't even know what happened to him. or where he is. good i miss that stupid smile and  smooth accent. gonna kiss the air out his lungs if i ever see him again.

a hand fell on my shoulder.
without thinking i grabbed it and flipped the attacker over. foot on their chest my hand ready to reach for  my gun. 

"stiles what the hell dude, just telling you to hurry up. and since when can you do that? since when we're you strong? since when did you learn combat??"

uuuughi let myself be thomas. quick how to save this.
"sorry scott my dad told me to take classes incase i ever run into trouble again."
i lie. not that believable.
they don't know what happened though so it might work, all they know is i was kidnapped. that's all i'll tell them. doesn't stop them asking for more every shucking day.

"o-okay dude. can you get your foot off my chest?"

i removed it. cant believe i was about to pull out a gun on scott. in a room filled with people. conveniently staring directly at us. wow thomas way to stay below the radar.

i begin getting changed. as carefully as possible to stop anyone seeing the scars that littered my body. i did not need to slip up again today.

okay i'm ngl idk if anyone even reads these anymore. i got bored and wanted a story where thomas was so much fucking better than the pack so i wrote it. for myself. idk.

anyway it is incredibly shit but i couldn't care less.

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