the video.

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thomas' POV

We finally finished the school day, it had dragged on for hours. english was unbearable, we had to write about the best moment of our lives, i wanted to write about the first time newt kissed me but that was a no go. did not need to add more questions for scott to badger me on.
instead i wrote about when i finally got a tre flip on my skateboard.

scott scoffed at that. little slinthead he can't even go five feet on a bike without falling off let alone a skateboard.

i sighed loudly as we pushed open the doors of the school, gally groaned
"your school sucks thomas"

"oh i know"

me and galley passed through the school gates,  now he was telling me about this arrogant rich kid at his old school.

"and eventually i had enough of him so i socked him in the jaw. finally smacked that cocky grin off his smug little face. i did get suspended though. worth it"
gally said chuckling as he finished. i smiled, still got a short temper.

"hey wanna come to mine today?"
i asked

"is that even worth asking? of course you shank where do ya live. i want a rematch, feel like i went easy on you earlier"

rolling my eyes i took his phone and punched in my adress on maps. handing it back to him he grimaced.

"you run on main roads?"

"oh nah i cut through the woods right... there"

i explains pointing at the area.

"hm seems simple enough.

gally barley managed to get it out before he shot  onto the pavement laughing his head off.
i huffed in annoyance before following him.
poor galley he doesn't know half the short cuts i do, maybe i can confuse him.
i sped up enough to over take him but not too much as to loose him.

our feet thumped down on the dirt as we entered the woods. i took a sharp left and through some dense trees, before skidding on the mud and sprinting right. galley stuck to me like a barnacle. perfect.
the rock face was just a few hundred metres ahead of us.  gally wouldn't climb this i was sure.
i threw myself onto the rock and began scaling up one of the vines.

"you shucking monkey"
galley barked, not even attempting to climb he. ran back and follows the rock round.
i grinned. he took the long way.

hoisting myself up i scrambled off the ground and booked it.
a smile was plastered on my face. it felt amazing to race someone again. no holding back. no scrutinising glares. no strings attached.

puffing slightly i slowed to a stop outside my house. i sat on the front step and picked at grass. it had been ten minutes, gally sure was taking his time. maybe he gave up and just started walking. nah that's not like him.

my instincts to protect the gladers nagged at the back of my head to go check. it was probably nothing. but just incase.

i started jogging back towards the woods. i ran in a couple metres and called out to him

"galley. you okay?"

i stopped completely. i heard a small rustle of leaves to my left. i didn't turn in time and gally was on top of me.
he had my arm behind my back. just like i did earlier. his other arm was around my neck.

"oooh was a different type of rematch shank. accept defeat"

i tapped out. gally let go of me. laughing at my stony expression.

"god i wish i didn't worry about you" 
i mutter, he pulled me up and i began brushing off the dirt on my top.

"aww you care about me. maybe even more than ne-"

"no one more than newt"
i cut him off. that just made him laugh more.

"let's just go inside and make tea"
i said walking back to my house. noah's car was still not in the drive, i felt a small flood of relief, i felt bad of course he was supposed to be my father. i can't see him as that though.  in the maze as far as i was aware i had no family left. so i made a better one. anyway at least his absence gives me a while to think of a lie about galleys existence.

i unlocked the door and stepped in. the house was empty, with the lack of my supposed family and friends i felt i could breath.
we headed to the kitchen, i grabbed two mugs out the cupboard and began making tea.

"let's be honest, you only drink tea for your british boyfriend"
gally mused.

"slim it"
i chuckled.

i handed him the steaming tea and we headed to my room. my tea had no sugar and gallys had 3. he'd never admit it but galley had a sweet tooth. about the only thing sweet about him.
when we got to my room
gally commented on how my it looked exactly as he would expect. tactful and sparse.
i just sipped my tea.

we were sitting on my bed, leaning on the headrest and swapping numbers, after that i got bored and headed on youtube, not much to watch until one enticed me. it was titled 'bloody inspiring stuff' i clicked on it and promptly i froze, my mouth hung open and my eyes went wide like saucers. gally noticed and sat closer to me, he squinted at the same screen before making the same reaction as me.

on screen was a dirty blond teenager, his chocolate brown eyes were filled with emotions, he was wearing a dark blue hoodie, and had a small chain around his neck, a button was hung on it. my button.

"hello! for most people i will sound insane but i've ran out of ideas, i can't find any of the gladers. i'm stuck in a stupid country and all i want is my family again. look if you remember the maze or me or WICKED or grievers. anything please. i really really miss you all. please reach out to me. just say something. message me. i miss you tommy"

a number appeared in the video. gally scrambled for a pen and hurriedly wrote it down on the back of his arm. i was still sitting there like a statue.
the video ended. it only had 1,000 views. had anyone else seen this from the maze? only newt would make a youtube video.

gally punched the number in. his movements were frantic and his hands were shaking. he finally got the numbers in and slammed the call button. i swear he could break his phone if he kept up with that.

gally held the phone to my ear. his face was stony, eyebrows knitted closely.

1 ring
2 rings
3 rings
4 rings


i swallowed a lump threatening to choke me


ahahah suffer i don't wanna write that but now. oh well.
have a good one


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