arrogant wolves

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newts pov:

me and minho had just arrived in beacon hills, the sun bore down on us and the black SUV we were cruising in. we turned down a dusty road, belting out the lyrics to alien blues as i drove.


we shouted, windows down not a care in the world if the suspiciously quiet town heard.
a warm breeze flittered through the car as we sped down more roads.

"take a right here then a mile up take a left"
minho instructed studying a paper map in his hands. anxiety was building in my gut. i was scared to be bloody honest, terrified tommy had got a new boyfriend. girlfriend? nah he's the gayest person i know after myself of course.

i careened round right then sped left and slammed on the breaks. our tires made a groan of protest as the car came to a sudden halt. right outside some school gates.

"bloody hell. this is tommy's school? looks like an orphanage"
i muttered staring at the bleak building. minho chucked and opened his door. i did the same and stepped out onto the gravel. our feet made a satisfying crunch as we walked. i checked my battered watch 14:30 probably lunch time well, judging from the students scattered over the grounds i was right. i scanned the crowds searching for dark hair or spiky eyebrows. sighing defeatedly when no ones matched that description.

"not gonna lie don't think he's here, you sure we didn't technically just break into a random school? doesn't sound too good if the cops show up 'oh sorry we were looking for two guys we were mentally and physically tortured with before ripped away from each other by you guys' we should leave"
i stated

minho sighed loudly
"how bout we actually ask someone first instead of yknow giving up instantly"
he's got a point. we don't know for sure if tommy was just off sick or in the library, probably reading up on plants and their healing properties.
a thought suddenly dawned in my mind

"wait why does he even come to school?"
i questioned
"don't we already know everything?"
it really didn't make sense to put yourself through a hellhole like this.

"honestly no idea let's ask him when we see him"
minho replied before stepping forward and moving towards a group of people about our age. they looked kinda scary and a couple of their gazes landed on me. suddenly my shoes became very very interesting.

"hi, umm we've lost our mate, medium sized, pretty well built, couple moles on his face ummm damn i don't remember much. hey newt?"
i snapped my head up to look at him
"can u explain thomas in detail please"
i smiled

"would be my pleasure, chocolate brown eyes, a mole on the left side of his face, in line with his mouth, dark brown almost black hair, a pretty sharp jawline, really white teeth, long lashes to make you swoon, well built not 'pretty well built' although he his pretty a lovely personality even more lovely di-"

"okay newt pretty sure they get it, you seen him?"
minho said cutting me off hastily, shooting me a warning glance. i was just gonna say dimples but fine be dirty minded.
we both looked at the group who looked like they were telepathically speaking or some shit. a lot of eye movement and random eye twitching.

"hey slintheads wanna share with the class"
i spoke up, beginning to get frustrated. was this a mute school? or were these kids just shucking pricks

"your describing stiles, well except for the built part. he's scrawny as hell"
one guy spoke up, another identical version of him stood close by.

"what the shuck is a stiles"
minho piped up looking more and more agitated.

another guy with brown hair and a crooked jaw line pulled out his phone, showing a photo of this stiles guy in his home, odd angle. was he stalking this poor stiles? i flicked through a coupon more, random photos of him in shops and in the woods. i finally found one of him and gally on a bed. his bed? i looked closer and my eyes widened.

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