gone for good.

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two days after the clash of the pack and the gladers they were ready to leave: headed all around the world as a group, each person had chosen a different location each vastly different from one another. everyone was eager to go. and through every alive family member they had the group had enough money to fuel their eccentric lifestyles, not to mention all the money they had individually earned.

thomas shoved his last bag in the back of his jeep, derek leant against the bonnet, nursing a chilled beer. thomas dusted off his hands and turned to him. he watched in silence for a moment, dereks signature black leather jacket placed on the bonnet, replaced by a black t shirt with a white triskelion on the back. the weather would not have taken kindly to him wearing a heavy black jacket. his sunglasses were perched on the bridge of his nose one of his rings glinting softly in the sun. thomas spoke up.

"the offer still stands you know? it always will."

derek chuckled to himself not meeting thomas' eyes.

"yeah. i know."

thomas gave him a warm smile and looked over his shoulder, searching for the familiar blond- still lurking in the house.

"newt? you almost ready?"

he called.

a soft 'yeah' came from inside the house.

the sun beat down heavily on the two outside. thomas grabbed a beer from the cooler by the front wheel and joined derek. he cracked the cap off with his teeth and took a long swig. the bitter taste dancing on his tongue. they stood in silence, admiring the slow world around them. in a bubble designed only for derek and thomas. he spoke up again.

"if you ever change your mind. text me alright? even if you just want a break from this town, anywhere actually"

derek hummed in acknowledgement. they settled back into easy silence. after a while derek broke it.

"thank you. it means a lot. and for the record, you might never want to come back here but if you do, you can always stay with me. you are one of my best friends and no matter what happens that won't change"

thomas smiled at him, their silence speaking a thousand words thomas pulled him in  for a bear hug, maybe the last they would have in a long while, when they broke apart neither could meet each others eyes. thomas felt tears threaten to spill as he walked into the house to fetch newt. the coolness of the kitchen was welcome against his hot skin. he should have put on more sun cream he thought to himself as he navigated through every room. thomas found newt sitting on his bed.

"hey. you ready? the others are going in minho's and gally's car. just you and me in mine"

he gave a cheeky wink at the blonde but
newt just looked at him, eyes filled with warmth. he just stared at thomas for a while.


thomas asked, a small grin playing on his face.

"nothing. just, you"

thomas found himself laughing giddily at the comment.

"oooh. that was such a cliché"

newt shrugged

"needed to be said"

he stood up and walked over to him. thomas admired his build, the sandy blonde hair. a smile tugged at his lips. when he was close enough thomas brushed a strand back, admiring the chocolate brown eyes then he wrapped an arm around his waist and pulled him in for a soft kiss. no matter how many times they kiss, his stomach always performs backflips while his mind stays shocked at how beautiful newt is.

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