trashed pack house

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guys i was super dumb, i forgot to add albys powers so ALBY: stronger and healing.

all the gladers skipped school and lay low in the jeep. after thirty minutes thomas checked his watch.

"alright guys, they are gone so let's go"

he slammed on the acceleration and ripped down the road. all of them were riled up, they were so pissed at the pack for their childish antics however that didn't mean they weren't prepared to do the same to them.

thomas slowed down and parked outside the pack house. he got out, went to the boot and began handing certain things to  everyone.

"okay guys. not only are we gonna make these slint heads   regret ever going near us. but we're gonna fucking ruin this place."

thomas said through gritted teeth, they all nodded in agreement and spread out.

thomas and newt worked on spray painting any surface and wall they could. drawing a big middle finger, angry red letters that said "fuck you" along with everyone's tags.

meanwhile minho and frypan covered the lawn in confetti and dog treats, chuckling as the made an outline of a dick out of the dog food.

gally and aris designed a careful maze out of mountain ash leading up to the front entrance ready to do the inside too.

brenda covered the roof with pink paint, pouring it all over the tiles before topping it with silly string and glitter.

alby worked on a large sign reading "FUCK YOU SCOTT"

derek stood on lookout about a mile from the house.

after they were done with the exterior they moved onto the inside.  thomas filled their bathrooms with elephant toothpaste. newt shook all their fizzy drinks up.

brenda and frypan removed everything from the kitchen and lounge area, replacing the stuff with cardboard models.

gally got his hands on three sheep he stashed in different bedrooms, they had little ribbons tied around their necks and different colour wool. he also snagged thomas' stolen flask from what he presumed was scott's room.

alby covered the upstairs floor in lego bricks and stinging nettles then poured tar down the stairs. he and gally had to slide down the banister to avoid the inky substance.

finally minho stuck a sheet with two drawn on black holes and a creepy smile fo the ceiling, suspended by a piece of string, underneath he drew the ghost buster symbol with the phrase
"who ya gonna call?"

"Maze Runners"

everyone made their way out the house, laughing and fist bumping. they admired their creating. thomas smirked to himself at the image of the pack arriving back home. but they deserved it for the shit they pulled.

Although he felt a little bad about lydia and honestly some of the pack was fine. he brushed off the feeling of guilt and hopped back in his jeep, motioning for the others to follow.

"so are we gonna wait here or go back to yours?"

"mine, i think we've earned ourselves some drinks"

everyone cheered and they shot back down the road. newt messaged derek to meet back at the house  and thanks to thomas' reckless bud fast driving they arrived there shortly.

"oh. before i forget"
gally started, fishing out the flask and handing it to an ecstatic thomas

"i found this upstairs. thought you would want it back"

thomas beamed at him and wrapped him in an uncharacteristic hug. instead of shoving him away gally reciprocated the action. he actually smiled a little too.

newt took a photo which snapped him out of it. gally lunged for the phone, cursing newt out. newt threw it to minho who looked incredibly scared as gallys attention snapped to him.
everyone erupted into firs of laughter at the sight of gally chasing a terrified minho around the garden.


"why do we have to watch every single star wars again"
brenda groaned letting her head hit the back of the sofa.

"it's not every single one, and we're just passing time till my dad gets home and we can sneak out to get drunk"
thomas scolded, his eyes glued to the jedi's on the TV. the new one had been delivered earlier that day along with replica sofas and Tupperware.

a large bowl of popcorn was placed on the coffee table. newt was cuddled into thomas' side. he wasn't watching the movie, instead playing kingdom rush on his phone. o saul ally letting out an angry sigh as the enemies got past his defences.


a few hours passed by until finally the front door opened and shut. the familiar sounds of his fathers footsteps echoed down the hallway.
Noah stepped into the living room, greeted by nine  faces staring back at him.

"hi guys."

he got a chorused 'hey' in response.

"you just having a chill night i see... no more messing about at the crack of dawn?"

"nah. we learnt our lesson. we just decided to have a quiet one and watch a few movies"
thomas shrugged, newt buried further into his side in an attempt to hide his laughter.

"newts a little tired. he doesn't really sleep well"
thomas said patting his blonde hair.

noah scoffed.
"yeah with all his sleep laughing i'm sure it can't be easy"

gally snorted at the remark.

"well. i'm heading to bed but... don't be late please. night st- thomas. night guys"

"night dad"

"night mr stillinski"
the rest responded.

"just call me noah"
they all nodded and he went upstairs to bed.

"derek can you tell us when his breathings regular so we know he's asleep?"
thomas asked.

derek gave a small nod.

"hey you coming to drink tonight?"

" yeah but i'm a pretty heavy drinker. i don't know if you got anything that will work"

"it's true, we used to drink all the time, it took him like 3/4 of a bottle of vodka to get drunk"
thomas piped up.

gally gave a wicked ;) smirk.
"bet you can off my speciality. i call it 'the cataclysmic oblivion'"

alby made a gagging sound at the name, earning a death glare from gally.
derek chuckled but shrugged his shoulders.

"you can try"

gally wore a shit eating grin

"alright, challenge accepted."

so i know they have been planning for like... four chapters now but i SWEAR the next chapter is about their plan. I SWEAR.

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