the truths fucked up

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thomas's POV

i groaned loudly, my head felt like it was splitting in half, i shifted a little in my bed, there was a weight on my chest, looking down i saw a peaceful newt fast asleep. poor guy. when he wakes up he's gonna die.

i reached out to my bedside table, paracetamol and a glass of water stood there. i silently thanked my father.

"what a hero"

i mutter. i must have been too loud cause a small mumble of protest came from newt ask i moved. i took two pills and a large gulp of water before offering the same to him. he gratefully took them a sighed through his nose.

"tommy- you might not want to- but i think you should tell your dad"



i slumped back onto my pillow in defeat, i knew eventually i would have to do this, i hoped it wouldn't be so soon.
i lay with newt for another twenty minutes before getting up agonisingly slowly. i pulled on a pair of joggers and a hoodie, kissed newts forehead and stumbled down to the kitchen.

my dad was already there. staring off into space with a lukewarm coffee.
he looked up to see me as i walked in. a grave look in his eyes that told me i was about to be grounded for eternity. i gave  him a quizzical look, in all honesty i didn't quite get what the problem was right now. that was until i saw gally and alby sprawled on the kitchen floor, snoring loudly next to eachother.

i looked to the living room and saw minho face down on a sofa and frypan on the floor beside him.

brenda was nowhere to be seen. probably for the best.


i hummed in acknowledgment before making two cups of tea, one with two sugars and 1/6 milk the other black with one sugar.

"i'll be back"
i said before heading upstairs with the black tea.
i placed it down on my table and nudged newt.

"bought you tea newtie"
i whisper.

he muttered and i promptly left.

i sat down infront of my dad who gave me a hard glare. taking a deep breath.

"you're gonna want some more coffee before i begin. this is a long story"

he looked at me with concern and curiosity before abiding, he made a new cup of coffee and sat back down.

"i've got all day"

i swallows a lump i didn't know existed in my throat and began talking.

"yknow when i said i was kidnapped?"
he gave a curt nod

"well that's only partly true, i was kidnapped sure but then some really bad klunk went down.
i woke up with amnesia i suppose, i didn't remember anything exept my name. thomas. now u know it wasn't but it was then. i was stuck in a maze with a bunch of other teenagers and a kid named chuck."

i chokes slightly at his name. it still hurt like a bitch

"it was a death trap, we would go out and sprint round this concrete prison looking for an exit, the problem was there were these monster things called grievers, if you were stung there was a serum but you would have flashbacks of your old life. eventually we fully mapped the maze  all out and soon realised it was a challenge, almost a sick game. and we found a code. it didn't mean anything till we put the maps together. i also got stung by a griever intentionally to try find information. the exit was through the griever hole"

my voice broke a little but i pushed on. i explained everything from the scorch to the safe haven that wasn't safe, chucks death, newts almost death, loosing minho, finding minho. all of it. it hurt, to relive it. my dad only had to hear my recall of it, he didn't experience the grief, pain- excruciating pain, the hopelessness, the anger and the overwhelming hate towards WICKED. i told him how we had killed people. bad people sure but we still killed them. i told him about the lies, the endless lies and how at the end it wasn't even fucking real. none of it was real, we'd lost so many people for nothing, my family for nothing.

my body shook as i sobbed. i couldn't keep explaining it. my dad engulfed me in his arms, whispering comforting words into my hair and my frame violently jolted in anguish.

eventually i calmed down enough to explain the latest events, i saw his grip on the coffee mug tighten, his knuckles going white with effort as i told him about being kicked out the pack and the endless comments since. i told him about gally- how he hated my guts to begin with, minho- who became a brother and helped me through so much, frypan- who was the oldest and nicknames grandpa, brenda- who was filled with sass but the most caring person when she wanted to be, alby- who without him we would have never dreamed of surviving his optimism kept our spirits up for a long time, and newt- the person who made me care about people, who made me love again and open up. who coaxed me through every nightmare or particularly hard day. who was the first person to care for me when i first entered the maze.

finally i looked into my fathers eyes. they were filled with guilt and sadness.
he cleared his throat and with shaky words managed.

"i knew you weren't the same, i wish i'd been there for you more. i could have helped you. as for your boyfriend it's clear he was there the most. it breaks my heart to hear my son went through all that and didn't recognise me as his father. i can't ever even attempt to understand how much you have been through. i'm here now though, i will be weather you see me as your dad or not. i love you thomas"

he patted my shoulder and i embraced him tightly. weather i remembered him much or not he was my father, he cared so much and for that i would always protect him.

after a few moments he stated

"let's put the evident vandalism behind us and help your friends get over their hangovers"

"father of the year"
i chuckled.

shockingly the others had still been asleep through all this. i was quick to pour water on their faces. i was met with a lot of angry glares and laughed at their reactions before heading up to softly wake up my sleeping boyfriend.

"so he gets a kiss to wake up and a soft nudge but we get ice cold water thrown on us? favouritism at its finest"
gally seethed

"i can give alby a kiss if you like"
i teased knowing he would rise to it.

"i'll rip your lips off before you do that"
he threatened. empty threat but still pretty scary.

my dad had handled this all pretty well. at least he pretended to. i heard a few stifled sobs but knew he would have to accept the fact his son was a different person.

i should be asleep. this is not proof read ofc when do i proof read. it's currently 1:40am and i have to wake up for school in five hours. ~fun~  anyway enjoy.
noah probably with go sob uncontrollably later in his room and feel guilt ridden for not protecting his baby boy but we see defensive thomas/stiles in next chapter (: 

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