Chapter 1

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A pastel colored line was jabbed into thin air. It buldged, as if someone was trying to shove it open.

Nebby was crying, and Silvally was on top guard.

Lillie shook, but Gladion held her close protectively.

Suddenly the line was ripped open, a jellyfish like creature floated infront of the new wormhole.

"Woah..." Ash murmured, staring at this new creature. But his thoughts were interrupted by Lillie giving a shriek.

Her breathing intensed as she fell onto her knees, trembling.

"Faba! Why would you do this!?" Lusamine demanded.

"What?" Faba casted her a side glance, still focused on the ultrabeast. "This is your dream... is it not?"

Lusamine flinched. I have always wanted to see an ultrabeast... But not at the expense of my children!

Nihilego floated as if it were in water. It bobbed, it's tenacles swinging along it's sides. It's path directed at Lillie, who was stuck in her memories.

Gladion jumped in front of Lillie, ready to sacrafice himself any minute now.

Ash watched everything unfold, knowing what was going to happen. Lusamine is going to jump in front of Gladion... Then it's going to take Lusamine! I can't let that happen, Lillie will be heartbroken! I won't let that happen, not if I have anything to say about it!

Lusamine did exactly as expected jumping in front of Gladion and Nihilego drifted down.

Ash smiled. All as I thought.

When Nihilego was rounding by, Ash jumped in the way. Nihilego didn't show anything and instead wrapped it's tenacles around Ash's waist.

Ash sighed in relief. Now Lillie's mom won't get taken...

Lillie snapped out her thoughts when Gladion cried, "Ash!"

"Huh!?" Lillie looked up, and gasped. "Ash!"

Ash looked down at Lillie, seeing tears stream down her face. He gasped. Her mom is saved... But she... He shook his head. I need to get out of this! He pulled on the main tenacle holding him. "Let me go!"

Lillie and Gladion watched in horror as Ash was carried closer and closer to the wormhole, struggling to break free. Then they saw Nihilego place a loose tenacle on Ash's back, and pump a strange purple substance into him.

He gasped as his eyes flashed yellow for a moment.

"What's happening to him!?" Lillie shrieked, watching Ash's struggling seize.

"It must be a poison type of some sort..." Lusamine said worridly. "It must of paralyzed him."

"Ash! Ash!" Gladion exclaimed. "Snap out of it!"

Ash glanced at Gladion, his head woozy. He then saw a swarm galaxy colors covered by a pastel pink net.

The wormhole closed, and Lillie dropped to her said as Gladion stood there in shock.

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