Chapter 15

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After Ash had recovered, he started going to school again.

"Hi, Ash..." Everyone greeted him. Everyone seemed a little distant from him, and none of them would make eye contact. During training, everyone ignored him.

He was confused. What happened? Why are they tresting me like this?

He decided to confront them about it. Before class started, he walked in. "Hi, everyone!" He tried to seem as cjeerful as possible.

Everyone looked down immediately. "Hey..."

Ash sighed, setting him backpack down. Pikachu cooed worriedly. "What's with you guys!? Why are you treating me like this!?" Everyone was taken aback by his sudden outburst. "Well!?"

Mallow took a deep breathe. "Well, Ash," She spat his name as if it were poison. "We found out you hid your schizophrenia, when you tried to kill yourself."

Ash froze. They knew. They knew. They knew.

"Don't you trust us!? Why didn't you tell us, huh!?" Kiawe snapped. "What kind of friend are you!?"

Ash flinched. "I..." His voice quivered. "I didn't want to worry you guys, and be known as the guy who has schizophrenia... I wanted you to treat me like a normal hum-"

"Oh, ho ho!" Sophocles hissed. "You could of at least told us you got sad easily! You didn't even have to go into detail!"

"Don't you trust us?" Lana asked.

Ash felt like crying. Biting his lip, he stepped back.

"Pika..." Pikachu gulped.

"I'm sorry. I'm sorry that I didn't want to worry you! I'm sorry for caring about you! Why did I ever become friends with you!? If you were true friends, you would of treated me the ssme or at least confronted me about it, instead of acting like you hate me!" Ash said, tears going down his face like two mini waterfalls.

Lillie was in shock. "Ash, please! We never meant to-"

"Save it!" Ash cried. "I don't need any of you guys, anyway!"

He ran out of the room, Pikachu chasing after him.



I'm proud I wrote all of this in 10 minutes. I just want you to know that I know instead they would probably comfort him, but I need some plot. So enjoy them being JERKS!

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