Chapter 13

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Kukui climbed up the ladder, yawning. "Ash, you up?"

He wasn't anywhere in sight. "Burnet!?" Kukui yelled.

Burnet scrambled up the ladder. "Yeah?"

"Do you know where Ash is!?" Kukui asked, in utter concern.

Burnet gasped. "I... Don't! I'll go call Officer Jenny!"

Kukui flung the door open, ready to hunt for Ash, when he saw a figure laying just before the ocean. Kukui squinted his eyes, then requested for Burnet to stop. The two rushed onto the beach.

The kneeled down in front of the boy, who was no doubt Ash. Blood freely flowed from his wrists, ankles, and other places, and he was deathly pale. He seemed to be unconcious.

"We need to take him to Nurse Joy."

Kukui nodded. "I can't believe he did this..."

"What makes you think he did this to himself?" Burnet looked up at Kukui curiously.

Kukui gestured to the knife that laid not so far back, blood trimmed around the edges.

Burnet gasped. "I-"

"We need to go, now. He's losing too much blood."

Burnet nodded.

The two carefully lifted the frail boy, and brought him to the Pokémon Center.

"How may I help-!" Nurse Joy gasped when she saw Ash's bleeding wrists.

"He needs help. Now," Burnet demanded.

Nurse Joy nodded, and brought out a stretcher for Ash. As she took him in the back, the couple called all of Ash's classmates.

They filed in the Pokémon Center almost instantly.

"What happened!?"

"Is Ash ok!?"

"Can we see him!?"

Everyone cried and shouted in concern, and soon Nurse Joy came out.

Kiawe ran up to her immediately. "Can we see him!?"

Nurse Joy bit her lip. "You can look at him through the glass... But you can't go into the room. He's still being treated."

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