▒80▒ 🔹 Listen to the Wind 🔹

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☁⚫☁⚫☁⚫ 🌙 ⚫☁⚫☁⚫☁

Time flew by ~
A month has passed since we visited the Amoria Palace.. Many things happened in the main time as well..
Evan's birthday was one of them..

As we all know Evan hates crowds, so he refused the Emperor's offer of a birthday banquet.. Though the Emperor and the Crown Prince insisted but Evan refused it over and over again.. So in the end they let him have his ways..

We celebrated his birthday through a delightful picnic.. Me, Evan, Izana, Harllod and Rose were the only people that joined.. Evan didn't even include Egar in this celebration.. Well, it wasn't actually a celebration, all we did was just eat, talk and relax..

As a birthday present, the Emperor gave Evan a massive tower.. It was a Magic Tower.. It is a place where Evan can experiment with mana tools and make new things..
The tower was so tall that my neck start to hurt after looking at it for a bit.. The magic tower also includes mana teleportation.. You can go to any floor of the tower using that.. Well, you can't use it outside the tower, it has its limitations.. It is a high-class magic tool from a neighborhood kingdom.. The Emperor must have used a lot of fortune for this birthday present..
It seems the Emperor really loves his children but Evan doesn't seem to care about him much.. I don't know why? And I never asked him as well..

Actually, we had our picnic in front of the magic tower.. The magic tower resides in the imperial palace but it was far from all the main buildings.. Cuz Evan likes it there, a calm place...far from all these noises..

All of us sat there under the shade of a tree while enjoying our time off..

We chatted for a long time while making fun of each other.. I watched Hal smile from time to time.. It is rare to see his smiling face, because he is the famous ICE CUBE of the empire, who doesn't show much of his expressions.. Well it's not like he is a cold person or something, he just gets a little awkward in front of new people.. That's why he makes a poker face but the people think it otherwise.. Though he makes an ICE CUBE face, girls still start fangirling over him.. It's not like I'm saying it's bad or something... It's just....they make him feel even more awkward.. Well, it is different in front of his family and friends tho. His expressions are soft in front of the people he is close to..

Well, the day we had our picnic was a chilly and windy day.. It felt like the cool breeze of fresh air swept away all our worries..

It was refreshing ~

The sun was shining, the flowers were blooming, the birds were singing, and the atmosphere was lively..

Everything was perfect..

Yes, this is life ~

Dying in vain in my past life taught me something.. Life is not eternal, and you never know if you'll live to see tomorrow..
Rather than living a life longing for an impossible future, it's better to spend today, and this moment in time, happy and smiling..

Life taught me a lot..

That day we had a lot of fun.. And before the sunset, we also went to the tower's highest floor.. It was really high up.. We leaned into the balcony and watched the beautiful sunset.. It was a beautiful day with a nice last view..

The air up there was so easy to breathe..

We watched the sunset silently.. Seemed like all of us were thinking something deep that no one but the setting sun knows..
The day ended like that leaving a sweet taste in our mouths..


With this, Anisha closed her diary..
She was writing all these happy moments there..

Well now that I think of it, did I ever see this tower in the past??
I can't seem to remember!
But Why?

A magic tower in the imperial palace... Evans tower..
Yeah, I guess I seem to hear something about it.....but can't remember the exact thing..
Urgh, my memories!!
There are so many puzzle pieces that are missing.. And I can't seem to find them....and I have no clue about how to find them..
This is exhausting ~

Forget it!
I really need some sleep..

After saying that, Anisha left her diary on her bedside table and lay down on her bed.. She doesn't need extra light to when writing her diary because her diary glows in the dark.. Because of this, she can comfortably write on it anytime and anywhere..
Closing all her thoughts Anisha finally fell asleep..
Unknown to her, the Amoria Rose on her bedside table glowed faintly....like always ~

☁⚫☁⚫☁⚫ 🌙 ⚫☁⚫☁⚫☁

A/N : I'm so sorry for all the delay ~

Many things happened to me actually.. The loss of a precious family member was one of them.. I was really broken..well, I guess I still am..
I'm still recovering from the shock..

Now I'm back.. Hopefully, I can continue this story again.. Cuz I love this story so much..
Hopefully, you guys will come to love it as well..
Take care ~

Don't forget to vote ~

(I just saw some people posted my story on different platforms.. Plz stop doing so.. It's a humble request..)

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