▒102▒ 🔸 Shadows of the Past - 9 🔸

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As Izana continued to share his carefully composed information with the concealed intruder, he sensed the presence of another person lurking nearby. Izana's lips curled into a knowing smirk. He had expected that he wouldn't be alone in this secluded corner. As he planned, someone had indeed followed him, attempting to eavesdrop on the conversation between Izana and the mysterious contact with whom he shared everything about his and Anisha's meeting.

There was a sense of relief in Izana's voice as he spoke. The interloper tried to maintain their concealed position, blending into the darkness and the rustling leaves. But Izana's perceptive senses were a formidable adversary, and his careful choice of location allowed him to control the narrative.

On that quiet night, the gentle rustling of leaves filled the air with a soothing cadence. The moonlight filtered through the dense foliage, casting an ethereal glow upon the hidden figure he was there to meet. The night had a certain stillness as if nature itself was holding its breath in anticipation. Izana thought that it might be time to unveil the identity of the person he was meeting.

Izana's sly smile grew more pronounced as he continued his narrative, all the while aware that he wasn't alone in the darkened corner. It was all part of the plan. 

The intruder, concealed in the shadows, strained to catch every whispered word. The night had an air of hushed secrecy as if the very world was privy to their clandestine conversation. The leaves rustled gently, and the moonlight danced through the dense foliage, creating an atmosphere of intrigue. 

Izana's voice, barely above a whisper, recounted every detail, painting a vivid picture of Anisha's every situation. The concealed observer could hardly believe the depth of his knowledge. How did he manage to gather so much information? The intruder's presence was hidden in the darkness, her breath held in anticipation. She had to know more, had to be certain. With each word, the tension built, and the night seemed to grow darker. 

Finally, Izana revealed his awareness with a soft voice, 

"In fact, there's someone here who's been eager to listen to our conversation."

The intruder's heart raced, caught in the spotlight. Should she reveal herself or continue to observe in silence?

Izana's enigmatic tone continued, 

"Why don't you step into the light?"

The atmosphere grew lighter as She realized the game was up, and she stepped forward..

As the figure emerged from the shadows, the moonlight revealed a mix of astonishment and sheepishness in her eyes.

Leah had been discovered, and the suspense was palpable.

"Leah, you truly are something.." Izana said, acknowledging her curiosity.

Leah's eyes held a mix of disappointment and confusion as she faced Izana. The atmosphere remained tense, and the night seemed to hold its breath as their whispered conversation unfolded..

"Why are you doing this, Izana?

Leah asked, her voice filled with a sense of being let down.

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