▒109▒ 🔸 Shadows of the Past - 16 🔸

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Upon reaching the capital, they headed straight to the royal palace. Lucas sat in the front carriage with the leader of the knights and two others. His hands were tied, but Lucas didn't seem bothered by it.

In the carriage behind him lay the silent bodies of Marquis Bellacian and Eric Bellacian.

Accompanying them were the remaining masked individuals. This time, they wore different masks. Their faces were obscured by cloaks and cloth masks in a veiled attempt to conceal their identities. The atmosphere was tense as they approached the palace, each member of the procession carrying their own burdens of secrets and deceit.

As they arrived at the royal palace, Lucas was escorted inside by the knights while the bodies of Marquis Bellacian and Eric Bellacian were taken to the palace's morgue for examination. The masked individuals were taken to the emperor's courtroom immediately.

Inside the palace, Lucas was led to a chamber where he would await further interrogation. Meanwhile, the royal court buzzed with speculation about the events at the temple and the news of Marquis and Eric Bellacian's deaths.

Lucas remained composed, seems like he had already accepted his fate and now, he didn't care anymore. He was just hoping that Harold was alright.

Hours passed, and eventually, Lucas was called before the emperor's court for interrogation. The room was filled with nobles, advisors, and members of the royal family, all eager to uncover the truth behind the recent events.

In the court, alongside the nobles and advisors, stood Izana, Marquis Verita, and Marquis Patrickson. 

Marquis Patrickson's face bore a deep sense of concern for Lucas, while Izana's expression was one of bewilderment, his eyes fixed on the bodies of his father and brothers laid out before him. Lucas couldn't help but feel a pang of sympathy for Izana's shock.
Lucas was silently musing on what might have transpired if Izana had witnessed the gruesome scene in the temple.

The room echoed with the sound of voices, each question probing deeper into the heart of the matter. Despite the pressure, Lucas stood calmly before them, his expression unreadable as he faced a barrage of questions. With each inquiry, he carefully chose his words, aware of the gravity of the situation and the potential consequences of his responses.

As the interrogation continued, Lucas remained steadfast, refusing to reveal more than necessary while subtly probing for information himself.

During the interrogation, Lucas kept Harold's presence a secret, claiming he went alone to the Temple out of curiosity. He recounted finding Eric's body and later discovering the Marquis's corpse as well. Lucas detailed his encounter with the masked individuals, but he sensed the nobles didn't fully believe him. Glancing at the remaining masked figures, he could see their smirks under their masks, knowing they were likely twisting the truth.

"Damn! Those bastards must have twisted the story.." he muttered through gritted teeth..

As the interrogation drew to a close, Lucas was escorted back to his chamber, wondering what those masked individuals might have told them.

Two days dragged on, feeling like forever. 

Lucas sat alone in his cell, surrounded by stone walls that seemed to close in on him. The air was stale and musty, making it hard to breathe. Outside, the world continued on, but Lucas remained in the dark, clueless about what would happen next.

No visitors were permitted to see Lucas. Marquis Nicolas vel Patrickson, Harold's father and Lucas's maternal uncle tried very hard to reach Lucas. Despite his fervent pleas and attempts to reach Lucas, all his efforts were met with rejection. Lucas remained isolated from the outside world, oblivious to the events unfolding beyond the palace walls.

The days passed in silence, broken only by the occasional echo of footsteps in the corridor outside. Lucas felt like a prisoner in more ways than one, trapped not just by the bars of his cell, but by the uncertainty of his fate.

As he waited, Lucas couldn't help but worry about Harold. He had no way of knowing if Harold was safe or if he was facing the same fate. The thought gnawed at him, adding to the heaviness in his heart.

In the dim light of his cell, Lucas could do nothing but wait and hope for some news, any news, to break the suffocating silence.


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