▒84▒ 🔹 Silence and Sound - 1 🔹

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[Egar's POV]

Where am I??
Oh, I was strolling through the garden at the Emerald Palace..
It was a beautiful spring morning so all the flowers bloomed beautifully.. My mother loved flowers, so my father made it a great deal to make the Empress Palace garden filled with different types of flowers..

But it was strange, it seems too peaceful.. I don't see anyone in the garden.. Sometimes there are guards or even gardeners tending to the flowers at this time..
What's more strange is that, why am I in the Emerald Palace, which is the Empress Palace.. I don't come here often since my mother died..

It was still morning but as I walk further into the garden, the sky gets darker.. I'm not sure why and what's happening.. My heart started pounding, I didn't like the feeling but my body kept on walking forward..

As I reached my destination, The Life Tree, I saw a girl with her back turned towards me..

What the hell??
Why is someone here???

"Who are you?"

I said.. The sky's completely dark now and all the flowers around us have wilted..

The girl had long gray hair..No! It's not gray, it's silver if I look closely.. She was wearing a long white nightgown that went down just a little bit above her ankles.. She was bare feet but some rose petals are scattered all over her feet.. Oddly enough, they seem to have two different colors.. Black rose with a mix of a darker shade of red.. The color red was darker than usual.. Or maybe it was blood?


said the girl..
I still don't know who she is but her voice sounded very familiar..

"Help me..."

The girl turned around and the first thing I noticed was her cyan blue eyes which were filled with tears.. Her silver hair was messy and her facial expression was filled with despair..

"I hate you...I hate you so much.."

What's wrong?
Why is this girl saying those things to me? I don't even know her!
But...but why do I feel that I know her?
Do I know her??

"Save me.. I loved you...I loved you so much.. Then Why? Why???
No! I hate you...I hate you!!"

That girl kept repeating those words over and over again..

I put my hands over my ears..

Shut up, shut up, shut up!!
Who are you?
Please stop talking!

Her voice started getting louder and louder and I can feel that she was getting closer to me.. Her voice pierced through my ears.. My heart was pounding, I don't know what was happening but all I wanted is for her to stop.. I took a step back and looked at her again..

Her tears have now turned to blood, her face is pale and her eyes have lost all the color..


She called out one last time..
I saw a black shadow behind her.. A very dark and disturbing shadow.. As I focused on that shadow, I saw pair of Blood red eyes looking at me with a smirk..


My heart was pounding and I fell on my knees.. With my hands still over my ears, I screamed at the top of my lungs and everything turned black..


"Your highness! Your highness the Crown Prince!!"

I heard a voice calling out for me.. I opened my eyes and found myself in a familiar environment, I was back in my bedroom and the person calling out to me was my aide, Shen..

I sat up on my bed and touched my head.. Ugh, what a nightmare.. That was disturbing..

"Should I call a doctor your highness?"

Looking at my expression, Shen politely asked..

I shook my head and replied,

"I'm fine, I'll be out for breakfast soon, just leave me be for now.."

Shen didn't ask me anything and politely leave from the room..

I quietly sat on my bed for a while..
I'm still a bit staggered from that dream.. It felt real but it didn't make sense.. And that girl, who was she again??
I can't seem to remember her face..

I'll try to forget about it, for now, it's probably just a bad dream, nothing meaningful about it..

I got off my bed and got ready for breakfast.. I ate my breakfast alone in the empty dining room..

We used to have breakfast and dinner together in the past when mother was still here.. Well I never saw my birth mother, but the 2nd Empress loved me dearly.. Though she didn't give birth to me but for me, she was my real mother.. Everything was perfect when she was here.. And now, everything is shattered.. The three of us; Father, me, and Evan don't usually look at each other let alone spend time.. Heh! It's quite funny right?? Just how fast things change.. How fast your life can get total upsidedown..
Things are really complicated now.. It's hard to even breathe.. I want to stop all this.. I want to rest, I'm tired..tired of everything....tired of life.....

Food doesn't taste good anymore.. I couldn't eat a thing.. I need some fresh air..
So I got up and went towards the greenhouse..
It was mother's greenhouse.. She loved to spend time here.. I have so many happy memories here.. So it is the only place I can truly breathe..

Shen silently followed me there.. Hmmm..He is a good person..
I think after my mother (2nd empress) died, he is the only person who truly cared for me..
Thank goodness, maybe I'm not totally alone..

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