▒91▒ 🔸 The Dream's Grip - 1 🔸

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Anisha was sleeping peacefully in her bed, after that long and tiring day.

But don't know, maybe because of the tiredness or because of the horrifying experience today, Anisha had a terrible dream.

She had a weird and horrifying dream that night. It was more like a nightmare. Though she couldn't recall the details, the fear lingered, making the mere thought of visiting Izana impossible. The grip of that dream was too real, too terrifying to ignore. Too real to think of it only as a dream.

It felt like it was about something that happened in her past, but she wasn't sure. The dream was so vivid that she couldn't remember the whole dream and its details..

In her dream, she saw the New Emperor of the Beatrice Empire, Egar von Legulas. She saw the Saint again, though her face was blurry but Anisha knew it was the Holy Saint.

She saw Izana, who was shouting something to the Emperor. Anisha saw the Royal knights dragged Izana mercilessly and threw him into an underground cell.

She felt a surge of grief and anger. She screamed and cried, cursing the Emperor and the Saint. She wanted to free Izana from these accusations, but she was powerless and helpless.

When they were taking Izana, she tried to run toward him, but she was stopped by the guards. They grabbed her and dragged her away from him. They laughed and mocked her. They locked her in her room, in the Royal Palace. She had no one to talk to, no one to comfort her, no one to help her. She wanted to see Izana, she wanted to free him.

"Izana...Izana...I'm sorry...I'm so sorry.."

She muttered in her sleep, crying..


[Anisha's POV]

I jolted awake, my heart racing, tangled in my bedsheets. The dream was so vivid, too real for comfort. It felt like a memory from my past, something I thought I had left behind. Sitting up in the darkness of my room, I tried to shake off the remnants of the dream that clung to me.

The images flashed in my mind, a place unfamiliar yet hauntingly familiar. The emotions from the dream were intense, like scars being reopened. It felt as if I was reliving a moment from another time, a timeline buried deep within my consciousness.

I took deep breaths, trying to ground myself in the present. The clock on my nightstand showed the early hours of the morning, the world outside still wrapped in shadows. Gradually, my heartbeat slowed as I realized I was safe in my room.

Swinging my legs over the side of the bed, I felt the cool floor beneath my feet. I needed something to dispel the lingering unease. I decided to get a glass of water. As I made my way to the kitchen, the moon's faint glow cast eerie patterns through the curtains.

My hands trembled slightly as I filled my glass with water. I felt an urgent need to make sense of the dream, to unravel the fragments of my past it brought forth. Perhaps it was a message, my subconscious urging me to explore a part of myself I had ignored for too long.

I knew facing those memories wouldn't be easy, but I felt an undeniable pull to delve into my past, to uncover the secrets that surfaced in my dream.

As I was coming back to my room from the kitchen, the dream replayed in my mind, each detail etched into my memory. It was like I was chasing after something, a connection lost in time. There were faces in the dream, faces just out of reach of recognition, but they felt important, like keys to unanswered questions.

Suddenly my heart dropped remembering something. thump!

"Izana"  I mumbled..

I don't remember meeting Izana in my past life. So why did I have a dream like this?
No, I don't think It's merely a dream though..

But why Izana?
Why, what happened?
Why can't I remember this?
Why were they taking him to the cell?
What was Izana saying?
When did i meet Izana in the past?
Or is it a future I'm seeing now?

Suddenly a mountain full of questions buried me. And I don't have any answer to these questions.

My worries start to rise all over again..


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