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Jin han:"You really don't have to throw a tantrum just because i didn't call or text you!" Jin han who never believed that xiao zhan is serious said believing that xiao zhan is just acting childish and throwing a tantrum so that he could get his attention.

Jin han didn't take what just happened seriously, he knows within few day's xiao zhan will come back running to him like a lost puppy, he will even ask for forgiveness and scold himself for throwing a tantrum, jin han feels very disgusted seeing xiao zhan being overly clingy and bothering him all the time, but for now he has to endure until he got everything he wants from him.

Days later

Zhan recovery went well, lu bai visits xiao zhan at the hospital every day after he is done with work, lu bai still couldn't fully believe that xiao zhan has really moved on, even zhan parent's still has doubts, but deep down they're praying xiao zhan could really forget about jin han and move on, he will surely find someone worthy and they don't have to be worried about him.

Zhan went to see the old man and said his goodbyes, promising to come visit him some other time, mr wang didn't refuse and even reminded xiao zhan not to forget coming to see him from time to time, zhan gave the butler his phone number, instructing him to call if the old man whom he regards as his own grandfather for the few day's that they got to know each other, the butler didn't refuse, the master sees the beautiful young man as the future in law of the big family and he needs to be respected and his instructions to be taken seriously.

"Master your health improved alot, even the doctor was surprised, this young man must be a blessing and god sent, he is really a blessed child." The butler told mr wang while looking at xiao zhan who was walking away while humming a song, his face was happy and radiant and you could clearly see the pureness and brightness coming from him.

"Your right, when i visited the temple year's ago immediately after wang yibo was born, the master from the temple said someone will be born year's later and he will bring greatness and blessings to the family, i never expected decades later i could see and meet the blessed child, just look at him, he is even far much better than my rude and unfriendly son." Mr Wang answered and the smile on his face was genuine.

Zhan told his parent's not to bother coming to the hospital to pick him up, lu bai will come and drive him back home, zhan parent's were at first hesitant, but then later they agreed, lu bai carried zhan bag that had clothes and the two left the hospital while talking.

"In a week we will have an event at one of my parent's club, alot of handsome young men will attend the event, if you want you can come and join us, you don't have to drink, normal drinks are also ordered so you don't have to be afraid of getting drunk." Lu bai suggested.

"Just look at me closely, i have turned eighteen year's old two months ago! I'm no longer a minor! I can drink alcohol!" Zhan boasted while pouting, why should he drink juice! He is not young, he is now a young man qualified to drink alcohol!.

"But...but do you remember what happened during your birthday! The trouble you caused at my parents club, i got grounded for a month and until now my parents stopped giving me money! I ordered normal drinks for you." Lu bai who doesn't want to remember what happened during xiao zhan birthday refused, the damage and troubles xiao zhan caused after drinking half a glass of alcohol, lu bai feels like crying without tears.

"That was before! But now I'm the master of alcohol, you don't have to worry, that day i will have fun to welcome my new life!" Zhan patted his chest, lu bai swallowed hard, this is clearly not a good idea, zhan boasting to be able to drink is a white lie, it's the total opposite! Lu bai was about to speak when someone else voice was heard.

"Xiao zhan." Both zhan and lu bai turned around, lu bai immediately frowned when he realised who it was, how he hate this man and he wished him to dissapear and never see him infront of his friend ever again. Zhan who recognised the voice and saw jin han standing infront of him, all those memories that were buried deep inside him resurfaced, the few seconds ago happy eye's and face changed, the only thing you could see was anger and disgust, zhan who imagined getting fooled and causing his family and close friend's relationship to be destroyed because of this monstor felt very disgusted, he wanted to rush and kill this man by cutting him into pieces and feeding his remains to the dogs, but that could be so easy, this bastard deserves to suffer for the rest of his life. Xiao zhan gaze surprised jin han who subconsciously moved back, he doesn't know why he felt so scared when xiao zhan looked at him.

"Lu bai let's go, my mom is waiting for us at home!" Zhan who didn't answer jin han said.

"Huh?" Jin han and lu bai were surprised, jin han held xiao zhan hand to stop him from walking away.

"I came to take you back home, i can drive you and your friend too." Jin han who thought xiao zhan was just a little upset because of what happened said lovingly but he immediately shouted in pain and released xiao zhan when his hand was hit hard.

"Don't touch me! Did you not get it when i ignored your calls and blocked you! If your are fool and doesn't understand then i will tell you, i no longer want you so let's break up and never see each other again, just act like we two have never met before and we have known each other before, your presence really disgusts me." Xiao zhan shouted his eye's red in anger, lu bai was somehow scared and at the same time worried, he wondered if jin han did something so unforgivable or bad like killing someone for xiao zhan to behave like this, the hate could be seen and felt with xiao zhan tone.

Jin han froze where he was standing, still trying to process what he has just heard, still not believing the person who just said those word's was really xiao zhan, zhan has always been gentle and not even once has he talked to him like this.

Jin han: "Don't be angry, i know your angry because i ditched you that day, that day ni mantian was really hurt and needed my help, and for day's I've been very busy with work, and today i took a day off to come and see you, then spend the whole day with you, you know i love you and i will never leave you, i know your upset that's why you said those word's...!" Jin han stopped talking when he realised that he was talking alone, because xiao zhan and lu bai were already gone!.

Wang yibo who was standing not far away with two of his bodyguards saw everything that has happened and turned looked at one of his bodyguards.

"Watch him closely and protect that young boy if he keeps disturbing him." Yibo instructed, his eye's dark then walked away.

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