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Yibo just look at him he is as handsome as you."

Yibo who was compared to the baby:"........"

Didn't xiao zhan say the baby is handsome just like him why has it changed from xiao zhan to him now? Why does he always have to be given the not so good and pleasant thing's and he has no reason to refute.

Zhan mother brought porridge for xiao zhan to drink after he was allowed to eat something light, the family who came to check on xiao zhan complimented how handsome the baby and looked just like wang yibo, zhan nodded his head in agreement, his wrinkled baby is just as handsome as his boyfriend wang yibo. Yibo who was being stabbed by a painful dagger everytime the baby was compared to him could only nod his head with a forced smile and answer with a thank you.

Xiao zhan was allowed to go home after one week stay at the hospital, the baby face and skin started to look more cute and smooth, his eye's were finally and you could tell he has xiao zhan eye's, the little nose, lips and face looks like the little version of wang yibo.

Xiao zhan recovery was going on well and there were no complications, yibo found a very good and trusted nanny who will honestly take good care of the baby, since xiao zhan couldn't produce any milk the baby could only drink formulated milk.

Yibo proposed marriage three weeks later after the baby was born, zhan didn't refuse, two month's later the two got married and it didn't take long before the three month's child celebration was to happen, wang yibo didn't invite alot of people just some close friend's and family member's, yibo didn't forget to invite lu bai xiao zhan best friend and bai yutong, the two started dating five month's ago and didn't tell anyone, xiao zhan who was told by lu bai and begged to keep it a secret at that time, and the day xiao zhan and wang yibo got married they decided to let everyone know of their relationship.

The baby's celebration went very well and the baby was named as wangxian. Yibo and zhan went on theirs
honeymoon after the baby's celebration leaving wangxian with xiao zhan parent's who loved their jovial and naughty grandson.

Wang yibo informed xiao zhan of jin han and ni mantian and where they were locked up, zhan decided to go see jin han, he is really curious to see how jin han was after losing everything.

"You look way older than your real age, your stay here looks really good." Xiao zhan said with a smile on his face, he doesn't have a single ounce of sympathy towards jin han.

"Yeah i deserve it, i know you are reborn that's why you broke up with me and hated seeing me." Jin han answered making Xiao zhan to be surprised and immediately looked around wondering what was happening.

"What are you talking about? You must be crazy! I don't understand what you are talking about." Zhan pretended not to understand what jin han was talking about, the question he wanted to ask was how could jin han of his rebirth when he hasn't told anyone.

"You don't have to be scared or weary, i have also regained my memories, in my last life everything went very smoothly but in this life because of your rebirth and meddling i lost terribly and before i could realise everything has already gone south, now i know why you hate me so much , because of your parent's death!" Jin han said without stuttering, zhan frowned, the most hurtful thing that ever happened was trusting the wrong person who ended up killing his parent's and using him like a fool.

"Luckily in this life i did the right thing, my parent's are safe iam blessed with a caring husband and adorable baby, iam happy and satisfied." Zhan answered feeling very relieved.

"Actually if you didn't hear about your parent's death, i couldn't have killed you, i could have married you as my second partner and live a harmonious and peaceful life."

Zhan face changed, he left the place ignoring jin han laughter, he knew jin han will never be remorseful or change for the better, he is a person who should stay behind bars forever.

"You don't look so good, did he bully you with words?" Yibo who saw his partners expression asked.

"Iam just disgusted by him and i wish never to see or meet him for the rest of my life, iam lucky to have found you and accepted you as my partner, our son you and i will forever be happy, i don't have any regrets being with you." Zhan answered and smiled, he did the right thing accepting wang yibo as his partner.

"I love you my beautiful bunny."

"I love you too my handsome lion hubby."


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