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"Iam not blackmailing you, how can i have the guts to blackmail the mother of my kids and the beautiful boy i love so much, i just want you to take responsibility, you took my virginity and first kiss away so you should be responsible." Yibo who released xiao zhan and now he was acting all pitiful and shy said, if someone was to see that then they could doubt if this was the serious and scary president of wang cooperation.

Xiao zhan who has never experienced such a thing before didn't know what to say or do, now that he remembers what actually happened that night even at the club, it was him who knocked at wang yibos cube that night, he even hit him and calling himself superhero, he embarrassed himself, yibo acted as a good Samaritan even if they met for the second time and they weren't that familiar with each other, yibo wanted to take him back to his house, but he was so wasted that he couldn't remember, yibo chose to take him to a good hotel so that he could spend the night safely.

But him being a pervert forced an innocent man who had good intentions of helping him, he even insulted him, what kind of man will not get provoked if he was called impotent and even assaulted! He took wang yibos virginity away and even his first kiss! He is really a terrible person, earlier he even blamed him! How can he be such a bad person!.

"My mother taught me to always bw responsible, since.....since i took advantage of you, i will take full responsibility, just tell me what to do?" Zhan answered, yibo who was pretending to be shy and pitiful this time slowly lifted his face and looked at xiao zhan.

"You really mean it?" Yibo voice was extra gentle and low, making xiao zhan has the illusion that he was actually a bad guy dealing with a bullied baby and he even forgot that he was the one who got bullied on the bed several times that night.

"Yes, i always keep my word!" Zhan promised.

"Then.....then can you start a serious relationship with me that will lead to marriage, you can even marry me into your family, since it's your responsibility now." Yibo answered while fiddling with his fingers shyly, his tall body really contradicts with how he was behaving, everyone else could tell xiao zhan is getting tricked without him realising.

Zhan blushed when he heard wang yibo say he doesn't mind marrying into their family? It means that wang yibo will change his name from wang to xiao, and he will be the husband and yibo will be the wife, the outside world will even know that he married a wife home, he felt very mighty! Ahh this is the power of the protagonist halo, it's so strong that he could marry a man home! Being reborn is such a good thing! You receive surprise after surprise.

"No problem! I'm responsible i will take good care of you my dear wife!" Zhan who was in a very good mood said then hugged wang yibo, he has a very good impression on wang yibo and maybe it's not a bad thing to fall in love but at the same time be careful, he was given another chance to make thing's right and have a happy ending and that means to also find a good man who is honest and spend the rest of his life with.

Yibo lips twitched but still he returned xiao zhan hug, pulling xiao zhan even more closer to him.

"Thank you so much husband." Yibo who got what he wanted smirked, finally he got the beautiful boy he wanted earlier than expected.

"Baby don't fall for that! He tricked you! My stupid baby boy, even if i told you to be a responsible child, i didn't mean like this! That bastard was clearly using your naivety to trick you!" Zhan mom complained, he couldn't believe his sweet and smart baby to be tricked and she got stopped by his husband to go and rescue his baby boy from that cunning beast who trapped his only baby.

"It's you! You planned it all along for my baby boy to be trapped by that beast! I knew it when he approached us with such tempting offers! He was upto no good from the start! He was actually prying after our baby boy!" Zhan mom who also got tricked and didn't know from the start that wang yibo has been after xiao zhan complained while pulling zhan dad ear.

"Honey calm down, I'm not the only one at fault, tell me how many expensive gifts have you taken from wang yibo! You even complimented and praised him for being such a good child and was brought up well."

Zhan dad and mom sat down defeated, from the start that wang yibo has been trapping them, giving them good thing's and even adding their company to very important project's and within a span of two month's their company hasreally developed, everything wang yibo brings to xiao zhan mother was good and zhan mom favourite! They just didn't expect they sold their baby boy with gift.

Yibo helped xiao zhan back and his room and you could see the happiness in wang yibo eyes. Helping xiao zhan sit down, yibo sat down beside xiao zhan then took him into his arms, zhan at first he was shy but then feeling wang yibos firm chest, zhan couldn't help himself but rub his face against wang yibos chest, zhan felt very good, since he accepted wang yibo does it mean anytime he wants to play with wang yibos broad and firm chest, addicting abs he will do it without any restraint!.

"Do you like it when i hold you like this?" Yibo whose heartbeat has accelerated asked, zhan nodded his head feeling very secure, now thinking about it he wondered what he saw in jin han for him to follow jin han everywhere like a fool, he doesn't have a perfect body like his boyfriend? Wait he isn't sure what they're now? They only telked about being together.

"Old man....well what are we now?" Zhan though shy but still he asked.

"What do you think? Whatever you want us to be, i have no problem." Yibo voice was deep, and xiao zhan heard yibos chest vibrations when he was talking making xiao zhan ear to feel itchy, yibo voice is vety nice, very manly and mature, everything that wang yibo has is what he has always wanted his man to have.

Xiao zhan:"Boyfriends?"

Wang yibo:"Okay boyfriend's it is."

Zhan giggled and hid his face on wang yibos chest, now he is finally in a relationship with someone else, and this person doesn't mind being close to him, he always listens to him and does whatever he says, unlike that bastard who was using him all along, he won't let jin han and ni mantian go scot free, he is going to make those two pay, he isn't as soft hearted as he used to be, now he is different.

Zhan decided to stop thinking about revenge, right now he is being hugged by his boyfriend and he should cherish such a moment.

Xiao zhan:"Let's take a selfie, i will send it to my friend lu bai and tell him of my new boyfriend."

Yibo didn't refuse, zhan had to take several pictures still telling wang yibo to smile, zhan gave up and just took more picture's of his serious boyfriend who doesn't even know how to smile but he is super nice to him, he couldn't wait to tell the good news to lu bai m, also encourage lu bai to find a boyfriend soon since he is no longer young.

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