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Jisungs pov

"Minho is looking at you." Jeongin say pointing at Minho.

I turn my head very quickly and make eye contact with him.

"HYUNJIN!" He shouts running away.

"Oh. My. God." I say looking at Jeongin.

"And you say you don't like him." Jeongin says.

"Shut up." I say leaving the office.

I walk out of the school and start walking home.

I plug in my headphones and hi high by loona starts playing.

I walk decently fast because I don't like being alone and as I'm walking there are two people in front of me walking painfully slow.

I try to pass by them but then realize who they are.

Minho and that Hyunjin guy he's always hanging around.

"But the problem is that I'm not out and I don't want him to go through what my past relationships have gone through." Minho says.

I pause my music and listen to what they are talking about.

"Then come out. It's can't be that hard." Hyunjin says.

"Hyunjin not everyone has super supportive parents. Keep in mind my grandpa is a pastor." Minho says.

"Ok and my parents are super religious." Hyunjin says.

"Ok but like your also an only child." Minho says interrupting Hyunjin.

"Ok and your parents have another kid that they can obsess over." Hyunjin says.

"But I'm the only one that puts my talent out there." Minho says.

Minho and Hyunjin continue to talk about this until Minho sees a cat.

"Kitty kitty kitty." Minho say bending down to pet it, but it runs under his hand and past me.

Oh shit.

Minho freezes as he realizes that someone has been behind him this whole time.

I turn around and start walking a different detection.

"HEY!" Minho shouts.

I can hear him running up behind me, so I start to walk faster.

I don't want him to think I'm some sort of creep.

That's when I see someone stop right infront of me I assume it's Minho, so I looked down and turn around to walk the other direction but run into someone.

I look up assuming it's hyunjin and say excuse me hoping he will let me pass, but instead of Hyunjin it's Minho.

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