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Kim Taehyung woke up to a sound of his phone ringing. His head was spinning and the world around him was super bright. There was a sound of another person groaning near his ear. He opens his eyes slightly to see that there was a naked male Omega next to him. He also realized that he wasn't in his own house.

Taehyung groans softly as he held his head. He definitely went overboard on the alcohol last night. He searched around the strangers bed for his phone and found it at the foot of the bed. He saw the caller I.D said 'Mother' and immediately rolls his eyes. He takes a deep breath and answers in his low morning voice.


"Yah Kim Taehyung! Why didn't you tell me and your father that you chose TWO lovers!" His mother shouted

Taehyung suddenly remembered the events from yesterday. He also was reminded that he argued with Jimin and Jungkook the last time he saw them. Taehyung rubs his face and groans. He figured his mom probably was going to call him 'a fuck up' or 'man whore' for choosing both an Alpha and Omega.

"The press is literally hounding our office and wants to find out more...two lovers.... I mean this is exiting!" His mother chirps over the phone

Taehyung pauses "Wait...you're not mad?"

"No sweetie why would we be mad? This is a power move if i'm to be honest. When I was younger, my grandmother would tell me stories about how some of our ancestral wealthy wolves would mate with more than one wolf. Having a haram shows dominance....it's the perfect plan." His mother laughs "Me and your father wants to meet them today"

"T-Today? Why so soon?" Taehyung frowns

"Why is it an issue? Your father and I were the ones that wanted you at the mating festival in the first place. Why of course we would ask to meet your new mates right way"

"Uhh shit...well okay...what time mother?" Taehyung then sighs

"Let's say uhhh around 8pm tonight? Bring them to the house please. Also, be careful outside since the news and press will probably be stalking you. Do you need me to send our guards sweetie?" His mother asked in an overly sweet tone

"No it's okay, I'll be fine. Goodbye Mother" Taehyung immediately hangs up the phone before she could respond and rubs his eyes trying to finish waking up

He felt two hands wrap around his torso. It was the male Omega he picked up at the club last night. He was definitely horny when drunk and angry. Of course it would look weird if the paparazzi caught him at one of his hook ups house the day after choosing two of his 'mates' at the mating festival. He takes the Omegas hands off of his body and gets up from the strangers bed.

"W-Where you going?" The male Omega asked in a sultry voice

"Anywhere but here" Taehyung said putting his clothes on "By the way...you better get rid of my scent before your Alpha knows I was here" he said to the naked Omega and sneaks out the house

Taehyung hides at a nearby ally way once he was outside. He calls his driver and waits for the man to pick him up. Being that his mother told him about the paparazzi he definitely had to stay low key in public. Once his driver arrived he quickly got into the car and told the driver to send him to his parents hotel.

Once he got to the hotel the workers greeted him. He gave them a little nod and made his way to the private elevator that takes him specifically to the penthouse suite. Once he got upstairs he noticed how quiet the suite was. He looked around and saw both Jungkook and Jimin cuddled up on the leather couch sleeping.

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