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"Taehyung! Taehyung!" His fathers voice shouts through the phone since they hadn't hung up the call

Taehyung bring the phone back to ear "Y-Yes? Father what should we do!?"

The screams from outside the house started. Jungkooks family started waking up for their sleep as well. Jimin hides his face into Jungkooks bare chest now shaking.

"Okay, I will send in some reinforcements. The military at the base is going hold down the fight for now...just get out of there! Take you and your mates and leave!" Taehyung's father shouts

"O-Okay dad...I-Ill talk to you when we're safe" He said and hangs up

"Let's go, right now. I'll call my driver to come in and pick us up" Taehyung said gathering his things and his lovers belongings in a hurry

"W-What about my family? We have to get them out too!" Jungkook said getting up from the floor with Jimin in his arms

Taehyung grabs at his hair in frustration "Shit shit shit...okay...we will have room in the car for them. For now let's just fucking leave!" he said rushing out the room while he tries to find his drivers contact on his phone

Jungkook gets dressed immediately along with Jimin. "Don't ever leave my side okay? I'm going to get all of us out to safety"

Jimin nods his head and follows Jungkook out the room. His family seemed to already get the idea that they were under attack and gathered in the living room discussing what to do. Jungkooks brother was looking out the window to see people running around in the streets as a mixture of wolves and military personnel fought each other.

"What the hell do we do? We can't go out there safely. Not with the pups and my parents" Jungkooks brother said looking at his family hugging each other on the living room floor

Taehyung has just dialed his drivers phone number and was waiting for the phone to ring. Eventually the man answered sleepy of course.

"S-Sir?" he answers

"I-I need you to make your way into Red Village right fucking now! The damn Kingdom is under attack and we need to get to safety, away from the boarder" Taehyung explained in panic

The driver cursed under his breath as he gets up rubbing the sleep from his eyes "Wait really? Okay I will be right there ready, at the boarder sir"

"Good. My father will be coming with reinforcements come here quick before I lose my shit" Taehyung said hanging up and crouching down pulling his hair

"If we stay in this house we will die...those bastards are burning down buildings!" Jungkook father shouts

Everyone responds with either a gasp or a what. Jungkook paces around the room thinking of their next move. How were they going to protect the whole family while they ran to the boarder.

"We need to fight, there's no other choice" Jungkooks sister in law said holding one of her crying pups to her chest

"Yeah and while we're at it maybe we can help those defenseless wolves" Hoseok suggest

"That's too much, we can't risk our group getting hurt" Taehyung said

"No" Jungkook shakes his head "I agree with Hoseok. Those are my people too" he said pointing to the front door "We need to rally people up on our way to the boarder and fight off those enemies"

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