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The four boys made it into Orange Village. It's a Village known specifically for farming. Many of produce comes from Orange Village and gets transported across the Kingdom for all grocery stories and farmers markets to sell. They were now much closer to Red Village. Orange Village was the last stop.

"We're now officially one stop away from Red Village. Remember we need to leave the car here; right at the Orange Village and Red Village boarder" Jimin explains to the Alphas

Hoseok cocks his head to the side confused "Oh? We aren't driving into Red Village? How will we be getting in?"

"By train" Jungkook said "The others were worried when I told them about the crime rates. Someone wound either car jack this car or destroy it from seeing someone so rich"

Hoseok nods "Ahh I see then...oh I see train tracks over there. I guess the station is nearby"

Hoseok points to the train tracks in the distance that reside above some road making it look like a bridge.

"Wow look at all the cows!" Jimin said looking at the other side of the road with just farmlands only

Jimin saw cows of every variety and color. Some were black and white, some were all brown, some we're actually yellow and white with the yellow on the spots. Jimin even notices some farmers working on the rice fields with some tiny blue glowing entity by their side.

"W-whats that?" Jimin asked in a daze staring

Everyone went beside Jimin and looks out the window. They were also very intrigued by this entity.

"I never thought I would see one of them" Jungkook said

"You know what that is?" Taehyung asked

Everyone say back properly in their seats and look towards Jungkook expecting an explanation.

"My uncle told me that those are Earth Fairies. They are the reason to why the crops here in our Kingdom thrive" Jungkook said

"What!? That's so cool! Kind of like a good luck charm" Jimin said enthusiastically

"Not even I knew of them" Taehyung said in amazement "Where did they even come from?"

Jungkook shrugs "That's the thing, no one knows where they come from. My uncle said long long ago when Bangtan Pack was still a new land, it was hard to grow food"

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