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TORD wakes up to an empty room all by himself. He glances beside him where he usually finds Tom asleep on the chair. He notices he doesn't feel cold either and glances down to find a blanket drapped on him. Was it Tom? He wonders for a second before getting out of bed and start the day like usual. He meets Edd in the kitchen who's all by himself eating breakfast alone at the table. He grabs a chair and sits across him, taking a bowl in the process and pouring cereal. Edd is chewing on his good and takes a gulp before responding. "Matt is on a date," he says and Tord blinks, "WOAH. Lucky guy." he hums in amusement. Then asks, "...and Tom?" Edd gives him a look and tord states at him silently waiting for a response. It looks like the brunette wants to ask something but seems hesitant. He wonders why. "Edd?"
"Yeah, he went outside for a bit." he replies.

The atmosphere is a little too awkward and gets frosty. So he finishes up his cereal quickly and goes back to his room. Starting his usual routine—mess around a bit on the internet, go to the living room and watch something with Edd. A romcom movie is playing and the brown haired male watches it contently. Tord doesn't understand it at all the entire time but still watches it with him anyway. It's a few hours later and he decides to get some smoke. He pats his lap and checks his pockets to see if he still kept his pack of cigs as he stands up. He starts walking toward the door and opens, only to be greeted by Tom who blinks at him. "Oh, hey Tom." he says. The said male stares at him with furrowed eyebrows before walking past him not even looking back at him once. Tord shrugs, a little offended by the gesture but doesn't think much of it. He makes his way behind the yard and pulls out a cig stick and lights it between his fingers. And takes a puff between his breathe. 

How many days has it been since Tom had been there in his room to accompany him sleep? A week or two? feels longer,somehow, he wonders.
Tom seems to have gone somewhere outside and bought something it seemed, since he'd noticed a package the male was holding when he answered the door. He is curious about it. It's getting a bit late and he starts contemplating about his life, as he stares at the dark sky. His nightmares that'd haunt him for years are over, maybe now that he knows someone is there, beside him to aid in his sleep. But he thinks fo his mom, and his home town. How see they doing? How is she doing? He doesn't know, he doesn't want to know because she is already 6 feet under. It makes him sick all of a sudden, just the thought of it rises bile up his throat and it burns. "Ugh, fuck," Tord curses, removing his cig between his lips and crushing it in the grass beneath his foot. He pushes his hair back away from his forehead in frustration, gritting his teeth. "Calm down, calm down," he chants, breathing slowly before he regains himslef completely and feels ready to head back inside.

Once he does, Tom and Edd are the only ones in the living room, watching a channel which he doesn't really pay attention to. "Oh, Tord! You're back," Edd beams when he notices the norski, and taps on the sofa seat beside him. "come sit down with us, we're watching-" he visibly taps the seat beside him as he talks when he is cut off. "sorry, I think I'll pass, Edd." he says before going back to his room. He doesn't notice the way Tom narrows his eyes at him with a bit of concern, its hard to notice when Tord barely glanced at him. The male closes the door behind him with a thud, a little too loud than usual.  He feels his heart beat faster and his ears ring louder. Tord struggles to get to on his bed he eventually gets on, removing his red hoodie and throwing off somewhere where he doesn't bother to look at. His breathing gets heavier and his chest feels tight. What is wrong with me? He wants to scream but his throat feels dry. He holds onto his pillow tightly, sweating profoundly. He doesn't notice the creak of his bedroom door or when Tom calls out by his name. "Yo, Norksi,what was that back there?" He approaches the male and Tord visibly flinches when he feels a hand touch a strand of his hair. He shivers, "I don't know." and says with a wince. Tom is silent, but gently runs his fingers through soft caramel locks. Tord holds down a choked sob inside his throat that threatens to rise up. He feels the weight of his bed dip beside him and realizes Tom sitting right beside him. He looks up at the male with a glossy gaze, and Tom seems to cringe.  "You're crying-" he says and Tord aggressively rubs his eyes. "Yeah, no shit." He sniffs and looks away, shifting his whole body to the other side. Tom sneers, "Wow, didn't know you were such a baby," and Tord groans. It pisses him off the way Tom looks down at him when he's in such a vulnerable state. "Leave if you want." He says without sparing a glance at Tom who scoffs,"The hell? Just like that? Don't be such an asshole!" Tom raises his voice by the end when Tord furiously turns around him. "Fucking leave if all you can do is just whine and insult shit at me!" He yells and Tom sucks in a breath with a flinch. Tord realizes what he's done, and his face morphs into guilt and embarrassment as he looks at the sheets. It's the first time he has seen such expressions come out of Tom, on a rare occasion. The Norwegian bites his lip and cheek, apart of him wants Tom to leave, yet the other wants him to stay and give him company. No, he wants him to stay.  "Just leave, Tom." Stay with me, Tom. He wants to say, but he can't. Please, don't leave me.

Tom is narrowing his eyes at the male as he is already out of the bed and stares at him—he looks...Tord has a hard time reading his face when his void eyes look at him like that. His fists clenched. "Fuck you." Tom heads out and Tord's stomach drops as he dreadfully watches him walk to the door and twist the knob open and—before Tord knows it, he's already getting off the sheets and pauses behind Tom and holds the door knob, his hands brushing against the other's own as he leads them to close the door. Tom is caught off guard as he resumes himself as he whips around with wide eyes when he realizes Tords standing behind his back. "What-" he's cut off when Tord rests his head on Toms shoulder blade.

"I'm sorry," he chokes out, his messy hair strands slightly tickle against the Brit's exposed neck. Tom shudders when he feels the man sob on his shoulder. He frowns instead, and lets Tord cry on him. No words are exchanged between the silence except Tord's small sobs, but Tom knows what he means to say.

He decides to stay with him.



Wtf this is so cliche why did I write that I'm so sorry I must've been influenced by reading too many angst fluff mangas recently,,, anyways that was weird I gotta admit,,, idk how to feel after reading that but heyy we got a lead and 2 chapters in a row! Sorry if it seems out of place, I had to rewrite this part cuz of of the chapter went missingᕦ( ⊡ 益 ⊡ )ᕤ

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