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TORD walks out first as he closes the door behind him, keys dangling around his deft fingers, a simple whistle plays on lips as he approaches the car He glances at the sky, it looks a little cloudy today and he doubts if it'd rain. Edd and Tom follow suit behind him a few seconds later. "I'm driving today," Tord says before getting into the driver's seat and buckling himself. Edd sits on the passenger seat, while Tom takes the back seat. "Let's get going," Edd says and Tord starts the engine while the man beside him plays the radio.
Although Tord notices a few flaws while he's driving, the car doesn't look in a good shape and he mentions it to Edd, who's busy humming to a song playing on the radio. "Uh, Edd. The engine doesn't seem to be doing well...I think you should get it checked  out." But the male disregards him with a wave of his hand, "Oh, boo! It's fine. Not that big of a deal." Tord doesn't say anything after that as he simply shrugs. He doesn't miss to glance Tom from the rear glass hanging on the top, he's too focused on something his phone that he doesn't notice Tord looking at him. He lets it be that way. The ride is short, not too long as they're already around the packed parking area, since it's the weekend it's to be expected. When they don't find an empty place to park the car in, Tord decides to choose a place right beside a sidewalk shed that's right behind the grocery store they'd be going to in a few minutes. They walk out of the car as Tord locks the car and tosses the keys to Edd who catches it quickly.
When they enter the grocery store, Tom's the first to walk away from the duo. Edd turns to him, "Tom, where–"
"Smirnoff," he says as he points behind him and walks away without sparing a glance at them. Edd doesn't say anything as he pulls the shopping cart from the row and starts walking to the food asiles. Tord following right behind him, "Did you bring the grocery list?" He asks, and Edd nods as he pulls out a tiny crumbled paper from his pocket and reads its first content. "Strawberry jam. Peanut butter." Tord listens before going to the shelves and picks each of the content he had just read and places it in the cart. "What's next?" He asks, Edd squints as he scans the list. "Cereal!" He beams and they start moving to the next asile. Tom is still no where to be seen. The Norwegian hates how he misses that said male. He's distracted and doesn't notice Edd calling him out, when he finally snaps and the brunette frowns at him. "we're out of milk. I'll be going to get some packed colas, you can find me there." He says before leaving the cart, leaving Tord alone.

So he walks to the other way where he finds cartoon milk, and just the opposite of the shelf are refrigerated dairy ingredients. He doesn't notice a certain familiar stand right behind h looking through the shelf, and only does so when he turns around to see Tom's back faced against him. "Tom?" He calls out, the said male startles at at the mention of his name when he backs a little further and hits against Tord's chest and he lets out a huff. "Dude. That caught me off guard! The bloody hell," he snarls but Tord snickers. "My bad, I guess," he shrugs. "What are you doing here, though? Aren't you supposed to be buying Smirnoff or something?" Tord asks.
"Alcohol isn't the thing I drink, y'know." Tom scoffs and Tord irks an eyebrow at him. "sure,sure," and he earns a punch in the gut from the Brit and he groans. That sure as hell hurt a lot. "Oh. My bad, my hand slipped," Tom sneers with a smirk and Tord narrows his eyes at him. This fucker. Tom can be an asshole sometimes—no, always has been. Tord wonders why the fuck he decided to fall for this guy. He doesn't let that punch slide though, because he lands his own aiming straight at Tom's gut, but the male closely dodges with a curse slipping from his tongue. "Ohoho, now you're getting at it!" Tom provokes with his stupid smirk still there and Tord would very much like to kiss it off of him. Tord grabs his hoodie when Tom swats his hand away. And they start fussing with eachother, some people passing through that asile give weird looks at them. Grown adults fighting like kids here? How foolish!  It's the final straw  to send a security guard to kick them out when Tom accidentally knocks off an entire shelf of yogurt behind him. Tord ends up compensating for the damaged property and he is pissed.

"Thanks a lot, Jehovah." Tord groans and Tom scowls. "Hey. You pushed me, alright!?" Tord rolls his eyes at that as he walks faster, Tom still beside him as they start to bicker.
"Who the hell do you think started first?"
"Oh, now you're pushing the blame on me? Is that it?"
"I'm just saying the truth. Is your ass so sensitive  to accept your fault here?!" Tord raises his voice and Tom clenches his fists, "God, sometimes you're so frustrating!" The norski rubs his temples vigorously. They don't notice the crackling of the sky and the loud thunder that roars as it just passes through their ears while they walk to the car. "If you can't deal with my bullshit, why even stay?!" Tom raises his own voice a little louder than the Norwegian's, "I've tolerated you enough a for a long time!" Tord says. "I could say the same about you," Tom admits with gritted teeth.
They're a few seconds late to realize the sudden rain pouring down on them and they start walking faster.

"Ugh, fucking great!" Tom growls as he feels his clothes become wet and stick to his skin. Tord stays silent the entire walk to their car as stomps his way. When they reach, Tom violently grabs the door handle of the car and tugs at it. "Fuck. Why won't it open!" He yells, and then turns around to Tord. "Hey, unlock the door, fuckface!" He spits out and Tord cringes. "Oh I'm sorry, I don't have the keys for that!" Tord yells back in the loud rain and Tom groans, kicking the car pretty hard and Tord doesn't give a shit if it creates a dent with his hard kick. He shivers in the rain with his wet hair and clothes, the sidewalk shed does little to offer them shelter from the rain as well. And he has to pull his hoodie up to cover his hair. Tom's still kicking the car and yelling profanities when Tord pushes him away, "Can you fucking stop, Jehovah?" He says and Tom pauses, eyes narrowed with his wet face. His once spiky hair is now damp from the rain. "What." He spits rather than asking. "I'm asking you to stop you asshole-" he bites in a frustrated sigh and Tom cuts him off. "Oh fuck off!" He screams as he lands a punch on Tord but the male catches his wrist half way through. "Tom! Just stop!" He screams, and the man pauses. His hand visibly twitches in Tord's grip. They stare at eachother like that. Eyes searching in eachother for something in the silence except for the loud pouring of rain. "Have you calmed down?" Tord breaks the silence. "No...fuck. I don't know," Tom admits as he bites his lip, and Tord pulls the Brit's hoodie atop his head. Tom doesn't say anything when Tord steps closer, a few mere inches away from his face. "You're so frustrating sometimes to deal with," Tord huffs, and Tom is about to reply with a snarky response when Tord continues, "-scratch that, you're always frustrating. I don't know how I can still fucking handle your shit everyday!" He says as he cups Tom's cheeks. Who stares at him, caught off guard but doesn't back away. He watches Tord take a breathe, closing his eyes before reoping them, his icy blue orbs stare into him. "I fucking hate you."

Tom doesn't say anything and pulls the man by the collar, inches closer to his wet lips from the rain and crashes his lips into Tord's own.

And they kiss.


Holy shit they finally kissed omg . I didn't mean to make this chapter so long and so dramatic but oh, here we are!! Thanks for reading this chapter, hope you guys enjoyed!~

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