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TORD wakes up that morning with a hangover. He groans as he raises up from the bed, Tom is still asleep by his side and he doesn't bother to notice as he gets off the bed as his feet land on the floor, accidentally  knocking down an empty beer can from last night. And then he remembers.
Ah, last night we...How Strange. He can only recall bits of it. Tom and him did get a little too deep in a conversation, he imagining things or did Tom really show him his belly piercing last night? He flushes, the tips of his ear burn as they turn red. He covers his mouth with one hand as the other grips on the sheets he's still sitting on. He stares down at the ground and glances back at Tom behind him who shuffles around in the blanket. No way in bloody hell they talked like that. For the first time, they had a normal conversation without anyone of them being pissed off.  He rushes to the bathroom to freshen up and wash his face to calm himself down a bit. 

It doesn't work.

Tord sighs as he watches the faucet running, his wet hands push back at his hair and his strands dampen. He'd realized something and it scares him. Never in such a long time, did he feel like this. He feels like all those years ago back in highschool or when he was in college. Having a crush—or liking someone in a romantic sense. He feels like he's 17 all over again. I'm a fucking adult now. He reminds himself, placing his hands on either side of the sink after he closes the faucet. He stares at his reflection in the mirror, his face is still red. The male lets out a heavy sigh and leaves the bathroom after brushing his teeth and splashing water on his face again for the second time. When he walks back to his room, he is relieved to find  Tom not there. He lets out another sigh, in relief but it's cut short when he hears a knock behind his door.
"Hey. Breakfast's on you today." The voice behind says and Tord whips his head around a little too fast, and he feels a strain on his neck for a millisecond. He watches Tom dreadfully.  The man's standing right beside his door with arms crossed. "Y-yeah, um, I'll be...uh, th-there in a minute–" Tord stammers and looks everywhere but his face, shuffling around his room as if to grab something. Tom narrows his eyes at him, before he calls out on Tord again. "Take your hangover meds before you come downstairs. I've placed it beside your bedside table." He says and turns his back away from him as he's about to leave but pauses, his hand lingers on the door frame. Tord pauses his futile action and watches his back, and flinches visibly when Tom speaks again. "And hurry up," There's raspiness in voice. Tord is left confused when the Brit leaves finally.
He doesn't know if Tom sounded mad, or if he was just irked. He hopes it isn't the former. He rubs his hair in frustration and changes into a new pair of T-shirt and pants, then grabbing the meds from his bedside table and popping a pill or two for his hangover before running downstairs to prepare breakfast. He meets Edd alone who's munching on cereal, Matt probably still isn't up yet and Tom isn't seen to be anywhere either.

"You're up early, today." Edd says between his chewing, and Tord hums as he grabs a pan from the cabinet and turns on the flame. "I'm making breakfast today, after all." He says as he takes out some eggs from the fridge, then pouring some oil over the pan that begins to smoke and is just on the right temperature as he cracks the eggs on it. Tom arrives around then and takes the seat empty beside Edd, "G'morning, Tom." He greets the male as they both watch Tord prepare breakfast. "Morning to you too," Tom replies and Tord flinches at his voice. He almost loses his grip on the spatula he holds to flip the fried eggs.
But regains himself quickly as soon as he loses his demeanor, then places the cooked eggs on the plate. "Where's Matt?" Tom asks, and Edd is quick to reply. "Ahh,that guy—" he sighs, "He came really late last night. His girlfriend had to drop him here, actually." Edd Snickers at the memory, and Tord can't help but chime into the conversation. "lucky bastard. Already got a partner before us, huh?" He jokes and Edd bursts into a laughter. "You should've seen him last night! He was so embarrassed."

"He should introduce this chick he's been seeing lately to us then." Tom says, as he sips on his black coffee. "I've seen her. She's cute," Edd admits, "Don't Tell this to Matt, though. He's gonna throw a fit."  And Tom snickers, and Tord doesn't miss to catch a glimpse of him, the way his grin reaches to his eyes— and his unusually sharp teeth shining through. Tom covers it up with bringing the coffee mug to his lips. Tord's almost done after he puts some bread in the toaster which pop up golden brown and crispy. He places them on the plate and serves it  on the table. "Bon appetite, or what ever you call it." Tord huffs as he sits across the two men and starts to dig into his food. Tom pokes at the poached egg with his fork, until it pops and leaks over and he takes a bite of it. Edd's already down with his own cereal and goes to the sink to wash the dishes, since it's his turn today.
"We're out of groceries today," Edd says as he does the dishes.
Tom hums as he takes a sip of his coffee, his orbs meet Tord's own icy blue ones. They don't look away when they make eye contact, the Norwegian visibly chokes on his food when Tom narrows his eyes, staring a little down at him and it feels a little too intimate.

"Are you guys coming with me to the store today?" Edd asks, and Tom finally breaks the long stare. Tord is relieved, he bets he's red faced because his face feels unsually hot and his heart thumps and rings in his ears.
"Sure, I guess." Tom replies and Edd beams. "Great. What about you, Tord?" The said man doesn't respond for a minute, as he licks his dry lips and manages to retrieve himself from being flushtered. "Ah, right, yeah. Sure." Edd's almost done with his work and then grabs a dry rag to dry his hands with before stealing a toast from the plate on the table as he takes a bite of it. "We'll be leaving soon a little while after you guys are done with breakfast, yeah?"
The two give a stiff nod at that.


Oh wow, Tom's such a tease here lol
My finals are starting next week and end on 23rd ಠ_ಠ
Chemistry is so hard I'm losing my mind over this shit hhh
Anyways,, something even more is coming next ehehe~
Oh, my updates will be a little uneven from now!!(next update may be next week) thanks for reading!!(◕દ◕)

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