C•h•a•p•t•e•r VI

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"Hello." - dialogue in Korean
"Hello." - dialogue in English
'Hello' - thoughts
Early morning came. I guess it was the first time Chaeyoung and I would be having breakfast together since we both don't have work today. Chaeyoung prepared breakfast already as she invited me to sit down at the dining table.

"This would be our first meal together here at the apartment." She said.

"Yes. We always eat outside after all."

As she occupied the seat in front of me our breakfast meal together officially began.

"How was your sleep?"

Is this how people usually speak in the morning?

"The usual." Chaeyoung nodded as she chewed some of her food, it made her look like a... what was it again?

Anyway, it looks like my answer wasn't exactly satisfying since it felt like she was urging me to speak more.

"It was good and I felt refreshed. How about you?"

"The same goes for me."

"That is good to hear."

"I hope you like the food. I don't exactly know what your food preferences are."

She must have noticed that I was yet to eat. I thanked her and immediately took a bite of the food. As I chewed it, I was reminded. When was the last time I ate a home-cooked meal? When was the last time someone took their time to cook for me? I usually eat outside, so eating at my apartment with someone who is technically not working for me feels...different.

"It is tasty. And thank you for this." I told her.

"I'm glad."

Looks like my speech pattern was transferred to her since she kept answering much shorter than she usually does. We continued to eat in silence. I guess not hearing her talk made me think that she is in any kind of discomfort. Or maybe she is just too focused with her meal? Yes, let's leave it at that.

But the continued silence somehow made me bothered. So I decided to break it.

"A chipmunk."


"You resemble a chipmunk." I casually told her.

"Really?! I mean, my members and blinks call me thaaaat!"

Ah, finally. Hearing her speak again...

"I can't believe you saw the resemblance as well. Anyway, do you have any plans today?"

"I don't. Do you?"

She shook her head. I guess we'll be stuck with each other then.

"Hmmm, I wonder what should we do?" I waited for any suggestions, but come to think of it, the two of us are still not on friendship level. I wonder what can we do. I'm sure she had done loads of activities together with her friends.

"Do you have anything in mind?" Chaeyoung said. "How do you usually spend your day off?"

"I barely do a thing. Sleep. Read books. That's it."

She replied with a simple oh. Boring isn't it?

"I wonder what can the two of us do together?"

"Talking with you is enough."

"Really?!" She said taken aback by my statement.

"I don't usually talk with people about other things, all of it are business related. Talking with you is an entirely different experience for me."

Married to Park Chaeyoung (Blackpink's Rosé x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now