Chapter 1 - Start Game

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Why the crap does my shoulder hurt? And another question, why am I in the middle of the woods, with my armor fully on and a crashed space ship next to me?

Remy Emerson, you have been wounded. Your shoulder has been cut into and you have been bleeding while you were unconscious for thirty minutes and twenty seven seconds. You must seek medical attention before you go unconscious from Hemolytic Anemia.

"Scarab, why have I been bleeding for the last hour? And what the crap is Hemolytic Anemia?"

Memory data has been lost. Hemolytic Anemia is heavy blood loss.

"Great. You're more useless than usual."

I sit up off the ground. I sit in a small creator while remains of a space ship burn to the left of me. It's dark, nighttime and cold. I'm in the middle of a dense pine forest. Seeing lights up ahead brings the thought of a town close by.

How did I get here? I as sit, putting an armored hand on my right shoulder to help stop the flow of blood, I notice my breathing is labored. Glancing at the wound, it's deep, as if someone came down hard with a sword. Even sitting down my head is spinning from the dizziness that almost overwhelms me. Yeah, I need a doctor. A deep pain pulses throughout my body. Why does everything hurt?

Remy Emerson, you must seek medical attention immediately.

"Yeah, yeah, it's on top of my to-do list." I reply back, snarky.

The wind brushes my face, making me shiver. My helmet isn't on, not that that is unusual, I prefer it off unless going into heavy combat. I stand up, almost falling over from the vertigo hitting me hard.

Your body temperature is at 90 degrees, you will go unconscious soon.

"Would you shut up for a minute? I'm trying to think here!" I glance around at the ruined ship and trees. I realize it's a Reach ship.

How did I get here?

My mind comes up blank. I don't remember anything. I try to picture my Mother's face. Do I have a mother?


I don't remember anything. Oh crap. Oh crap. Oh crap.

"Scarab, do I have any head wounds?" I ask as I feel around my skull, trying to locate a bump.

Initializing scanning. Scanning complete. Besides a few bruises to the back of the skull, there is no damage detect to your head. There are no wounds to have created your amnesia.

"I have amnesia." I whisper. No, I can't. I don't know what my family looks like. I don't know who I am. How many villains have I stopped? Where do I live? Heck I don't even know where I am right now.

I know I'm a hero at least. I know the Scarab. I know how to fight. I know my name is Remy Emerson.

"At least I know you, Scarab. Looks like it's just you and me." I whisper.

I will assist you in any way possible to help get your memory back, Remy Emerson.

"Thank you." Even though the Scarab can be a little know it all and a pain in the butt, she at least helps me out.

I glance over at the lighted area. First things first, I need a doctor.

Climbing the little hill, leaning on a tree for support, I gaze down at a snug little town. At least something's going right. Hopefully I can find a doctor.

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