Chapter 52 - Cards

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For the past few days, all that's been running through my head is Remy's face. That look of terror, that look of betray when she realized that I was setting her up to fall. The regret keeps coming at me. I'm just a rock stranded out in the ocean, getting hit with the never ending waves.

My only friend has ever been Mev. Then Remy came along, and even though I did everything to make her hate me, she still treated me like a best friend. I figure if we hated each other, it would be easier to betray her. It didn't matter, she still loved me, right up to the moment before I betrayed her.

I wonder if Jaime and the rest of the Team have found her yet. I hope the Scarab hasn't forced Remy to kill anyone yet.

It doesn't matter, we're all dead anyways. The on mode Red Beetle will somehow bring the end of the world, and I'm sitting in this stupid room waiting for it to happen.

As much as I hate the bitter taste the words leave in my mouth, I have to admit it is all worth it to keep him safe. My light. M'evolo. Though I only spared him a couple months, at least he was in the world with me. He was still with me, in some small way.

I bow my head, and force myself not to cry. I'm pathetic. I couldn't save anyone, not even Mev. Now, I'm a traitor, a killer, and an enemy. All because of the Reach.

Oh mode, I hope the Team destroys every single last one of those vial creatures. Hatred burns in my heart. The one thing that has kept me going for so long, back when I didn't have my light. My Mev. Without him, hatred is all I have. If they kill him, there will be nothing stopping me from tearing every single last one of them apart.

The door opens. I look up and my eyes widen in shock.

Remy, standing in the door way with Jaime right behind her.

"Remy!" I shout, standing up but the chains around my hands and feet are attached to the table so I'm forced to stoop down.

"Wanda." She says coldly Her dark eyes narrowed in suspicion and distrust. She moves and sits down at the table, I follow suit. Jaime moves silently to the corner of the room, watching me with hateful eyes.

"How... How did you get off mode?" I whisper, astounded that she's standing before me right now.

She holds her hateful expression for a moment, before dropping it and letting out a sigh. "Jaime got me off mode. He and his Scarab freed me."

I let the words hit me, and I'm silent for a moment. Of course, of course Jaime's scarab could do that.

I focus back on Remy. Although the hate is gone from her face, I can see the pain in her eyes when she looks at me.

"Remy, the Reach, they made me-"

"I know." She interrupts me sharply. "I know why you did it. They took M'evolo from you. I know they forced you to..." She trails off, looking away from me. I see her dark eyes are shinning with tears. She doesn't let them fall though.

"Remy, what would you have done?" I ask quietly.

"Wanda," Jaime warns me. I glance at him, he's clearly angry and would rather toss me to the Reach than have Remy talking with me. I can't let him stop me. Not now.

"What would you have done if the Reach had Jaime? Tell me you wouldn't have done the same?"

"Remy, come on. Let's just leave." Jaime says to Remy, touching her shoulder lightly. She's silent, still looking away.

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