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Once inside they each got given jobs, dream was going to take Charlie while sapnap and George took a shopping trolley and a shopping list and went to find all the food They would need.

Quackity and Karl were in charge of buying drinks and ice, mostly monsters and alcohol but they did also get an unhealthy amount of capri-suns and juice cartons.

"Hey Charlie, what about this one" dream said, holding up a stuffed green dinasoar which he has found on the toy Isle.

"Yeah, please can we get that one, pleaseee" she asked, shocking dream with her use of manners, he had never seen a child be so polite.

"Hmm, yeah I think you've been good" he said, chuckling before picking her up off the floor as she had kept tripping over Karl's jumper, which dragged behind her as she walked.

Dream walked around the shops for a while, waiting for his friends to finish getting everything they would need, he picked up a few things along the way that he thought he might need over the next two months.

Charlie kept yawning on his shoulder while carrying her, she clutched onto the green dinasoar tightly.

"Why are you sad?" Charlie asked dream, she could feel the sadness radiating off of him.

"I'm okay, I'm not sad" he replied, trying to sound happy.

"You are" Charlie replied, wanting him to tell the truth.

"I'm not, I'm fine really, it's okay, why don't you go to sleep, you seem really tired" dream replied, trying to get her to think about something other than his  depressing behaviour.

"I'm not tired, I'm not going to sleep ever again until you tell me what's making you sad" Charlie said stubbornly, crossing her arms, still cuddling onto the stuffed toy dream was buying her.

"Really? I guess I'll have to tell you, but you have to promise me this stays between us, you can't tell anybody, okay?" Dream said, giving up on not telling her, she probably wouldn't understand anyway so there was no harm in telling her. What he didn't know was Karl jacobs and Alex quackity were stood in the next Isle listening in on their conversation.

"Okay" Charlie nodded, eager to hear why dream had been acting so upset.

"I'm not sure where to start, well, you know George, I really like him, I like him in more than a best friend way, do you know what I mean?" Dream asked, finally admitting his feelings out loud felt relieving, like something big had been lifted off of his shoulders.

Charlie shook her head in response to his question, indicating she had no idea what he meant.

"Well, I like George romantically, like sometimes you see people kissing or holding hands, they're in a relationship, that's how I like George" dream said solemnly, thinking back  to when he saw George for the first time irl a few days ago, all he wanted to do was hug him, admit his feelings right then and there, but he was too scared, he was scared of loosing his best friend.

"Do you love him?" She asked him, dream blushed excessively at this question .

Karl and quackity were in shock at this point, dnf=real? Kind of? Dream likes George???????? They were really confused but couldn't bring themselves to stop listening.

"I think I do, but I know he doesn't like me that way  I don't even think he's gay" dream said solemnly.

"What's gay?" Charlie asked him cluelessly, it wasn't her fault, nobody had ever spoken to her about that sort of stuff before.

"Well, it's when somebody likes another person of the same gender romantically" dream wasn't completely sure how to word his sentance, he wasn't sure what he was allowed to say to a three year old.

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