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Wilbur would never admit out loud that he was jealous, but looking at the sight infront of him while Karl explained what happened pained him.

Why hadn't Charlie woken him up, why hadn't she come to him.

Why hadn't he woken up to the sound of her crying, he felt ashamed.

He had woken up that morning, feeling around the bed in search his little girl, only to find her gone, he was worried usually he was the first one awake between the two and on the odd occasion where Charlie awoke first she always woke him up.

He had rushed out of bed quickly before getting changed since he didn't particularly want anyone to see his princess pyjamas, he had only bought them to match Charlie's.

Once he had ran down the stairs he had seen everyone but Karl and George surrounding the sofa taking pictures of whatever was there.

Wilbur rushed over panicking but it all faded when he saw Charlie snuggled up together with Karl and George.

Karl had woken up and had explained what had happened last night, wilbur was jealous and felt terrible but all he wanted to do was comfort her.

He wanted to hug her tightly and reassure her that everything would be okay.

George woke up soon after Karl and gave Wilbur his input on last night.

As much as Wilbur was jealous of the two he was glad they helped last night, he would forever be in their dept.

Wilbur and Charlie only had a week left in America before they had to return home to England to prepare for the court date.

Wilbur was yet to tell Charlie about the phone call he had gotten, he was dreading telling her but he would need to eventually, not everyone in the house knew about their current situation, but those who did wanted to do as much as they could to help them both out, but that wasn't much.

Charlie stared awake, rubbing her eyes tiredly before glancing around the room at all the faces, all of them looking at her like she was a puppy, but she wasn't paying attention to that, she was looking for one person.

"Daddy!" She exclaimed, jumping out of Karl's arms and rushing towards him, jumping up at him.

He caught her mid jump and spun her around, grinning like an idiot, she giggled loudly and wrapped her arms around his neck, he laughed along with her, all of his previous negative feelings fading away as he held his daughter.

"Hey sweetheart" he chuckled, holding her closely into his chest, the rest of his friends around him looked at the two in pure admiration, the two were perfect.

"C-can I do your m-m-makeup?" Charlie asked him curiously, niki had bought her a children's makeup set and a sticker book and the first person's makeup she wanted to do was wilburs then she'd move on to everybody else's.

"Uhhh... sureee" wilbur said hesitantly, questioning why he was allowing her to do this, he just hoped that in the end he wouldn't look like a clown puked on his face.

"Yess!" She cheered happily running out of the room to find what she needed, everyone else just sat and watched, dream had secretly set up his phone so he could post it on YouTube later.

Charlie ran back in holding a plastic box of an array of extremely brightly coloured makeup products.

Charlie pointed at the sofa, indicating for wilbur to sit, to which he complied and reluctantly sat down, removing his glasses to give her better access to his face.

Charlie rooted through the box, looking for something interesting to use, she had no clue how to do makeup so she just decided to wing it.

The first thing she picked up was a cylinder container with something red inside, she didn't know what it was or what it was for, everybody else knew it was lipstick but they wanted to see what she would do with it first.

Charlie's eyes sparkled as she watched the red stick twist out of the container.

'This must be the pink stuff they put on cheeks' Charlie thought, recalling the memory of niki with bright pink cheeks.

So that's what Charlie tried to do, using the red stick she smeared it on wilburs cheeks in a 'circle'.

Wilbur sighed quietly, not loud enough for Charlie to hear, their audience had to stiffle their laughs as to not offend Charlie.

Charlie looked through the box again finding a white powder, she scooped some up on a big floofly brush and caked it onto wills face, trying to avoid the red she had already applied, eilbur now looked the definition of a clown.

Charlie found another powder, this time in the form of an eyeshadow pallete, she ran over to ranboo with it in hand and pointed to the front of it, at first he didn't understand until tubbo whispered in his ear to read it out loud.

"It says eyeshadow, it goes ontop of your eyes" ranboo told her with a smile, showing her where to put it by pointing at his eyelid.

Charlie nodded, opening the pallete and running to dream, "p-pick a c-co-colour" she told him, wilbur frowned slightly, seeing as her stuttering had returned, he wasn't sure what started it again, was it more nightmares or was it the storm that scared her into her bad habits, but what wilbur didn't know is that she had heard a conversation he had on the phone about her father.

Dream looked down at the pallete for a few seconds before deciding to stay with the clown theme and pointed at the brightest blue there was.

Charlie nodded and walked back towards will, using her fingers to smear the blue on his eye.

Tommy laughed by accident at the sight but when Charlie looked around them all with sad eyes he covered it up with a cough.

Charlie turned around again, grabbing the giant book of stickers she had been given, she ran back over to ranboo and placed it in his lap so he could take the stickers off for her, she had never been able to manage it without ripping something.

Charlie looked so cute, running back and forth between the two streamers, this was something they would all remember forver.

The first sticker she placed was of a black kitten head, which went on his cheek, then in was a small rainbow on his eyelid, then she grabbed a dozen stars and scattered them across his face, she picked up a medium sized unicorn sticker, placing it on wilburs cheek, multiple hearts went around his face, after she had placed almost everything she gave Wilbur a mirror that niki had found.

"Ta daa" she cheered, adding in jazz hand while she jumped up and down in excitement.

"Wow I look beautiful, thanks so much Charlie" wilbur thanked her, of course he would never venture outside wearing this unless he had to but he was happy to go along with anything Charlie wants or needs.

Charlie did a little curtsy in return, hugging him before she ran over to ranboo, he picked her up slowly, placing her on his knee and the sticker book next to him.

"C-can I put s-s-stickers on your face, you'll look really nice I p-pr-promise" Charlie said with a bright grin spread across her cheeks.

"Go ahead"

Charlie used the whole book of stickers that day, she had continued to place them on people, Karl and quackity even let her put makeup on them.

It was a good day.

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