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Wilbur and Charlie were on their nature walk, so far they had only seen bugs and some birds, but each time charlie saw a pretty flower, she would run to pick it up before handing it to Wilbur to hold for her; at this moment in time he had about thirty in his hand, but he would probably have many more as they still had almost half an hour before they'd have to go back to the house to meet everyone

They had yet to see either a squirrel or a rabbit, which was disappointing as that was the whole reason they had come, but charlie was just as excited as if she had seen one; she held Wilbur's hand happily as she skipped along the dirt path, trees and bushes surrounded them, it was beautiful.

Charlie bent down to pick up yet another daisy, and that's when he saw it, "Charlie, come here, look" he whispered, urging her to come closer to him to see what he was seeing.

"Look over there" he told her in a hushed tone as he pointed towards a gap in the bushes.

Charlie gasped quietly as she looked at it; what both of them saw was beautiful. Charlie had never actually seen one before; she didn't even know that they existed in real life.

They were looking at a deer, a beautiful brown one that looked similar to Bambi in a sense. Charlie looked at it in awe; it looked so pretty.

"Bambi?" She whispered to Wilbur, who had picked her up when he saw the deer.

"Yeah, that's Bambi" wilbur chuckled  quietly, but apparently the deer heard because its head shot up, making eye contact with Wilbur before it ran away.

"Aww bambi left" charlie pouted as she pointed to where the deer ran off to.

"I know, charlie, but I think it's time for us to go home anyway; we need to go see everyone remember" wilbur told her, turning around to walk back towards his house.

"Yeah!" Charlie exclaimed, wrapping her arms around wilburs neck to stabilise herself.

It didn't take too long for wilbur and Charlie to get home, since this time they didn't have to stop every minute for Charlie to pick a flower.

Once they got home wilbur set charlie down and helped her take her shoes off before walking towards the kitchen to make himself a cup or tea.

"Hey Charlie, do you want to try a cup of tea?" Wilbur asked the girl, she had never tried tea before, maybe she'd like it.

"Ummm, yeah!" She exclaimed although she didn't completely understand what she meant.

Just after wilbur had made the cups of tea he heard his doorbell ring.

"Come on Charlie, look who's here" wilbur said pointing at the door.

Charlie ran towards the door, wilbur followed slowly behind with a soft smile on his face, charlie looked behind her, silently asking whether she could open the door, he only nodded in response.

Charlie jumped up to reach the door handle and pulled it down, opening it to see the sight of everyone who was in America with them.

"Charlie" someone exclaimed in excitement  she wasn't entirely sure who it was though, but before she could do or say anything she was lifted up into  the air by none other than the Karl jacobs.

"Karl!" She giggled in excitement as she hugged him close, she missed his hugs, and his cozy jumpers.

"Charlie!" He giggled the exact same way she did, wilbur invited everyone inside happily.

Karl set charlie down onto the floor and she ran straight to tubbo,

"tubbo, tubbo" she chanted excitedly. Looking up at him in excitement.

"Charlie, charlie!" He chanted in response with a smile looking down at her.

"C-can I show you some of my drawings" she asked him eagerly, he had been so kind last time he had seen her drawings and he seemed so genuinely interested with them and she wanted his opinion again.

"Yeah sure charlie, let's go" he told her, he was genuinely excited, he loved trying to figure out what the scribbles actually were, that and Charlie was too adorable to say no to.

Charlie took tubbo into wilburs office where all of Charlie's drawrings were either in a pile on his desk, on the floor or hung up on the walls  it was adorable that wwikbue was keeping the messy scribbles of drawring as if it was art, it was a cute thing to see.

Meanwhile wilbur spoke to everyone else in his living room, explaining what had happened so far in court.

"I'm worried" he admitted, looking around the room at their faces, which had saddened at his words, "it's honestly not looking good, Charlie's dad–" wilbur began saying but was immediately cut off.

"You are Charlie's dad wilbur, he lost that title when he left her on the streets for you to find her" dream interrupted sternly, only saying what everybody else in the room was thinking.

"Okay okay" wilbur said before starting his previous sentance again, "things aren't looking good in court John has all his medical issues fixed and he's a perfectly good person now, he's not an alcholholic and he's been to therapy, there's no reason why the judge won't let Charlie go back there" wilbur said with a sigh, even he wasn't liking how all of this was going.

His friends were shocked, it felt like only yesterday wilbur was telling them on a discord call that he had a daughter and now she was possibly being taken away from him.

Nobody really knew what to say to him, there was nothing anyone could really say to comfort the man, because there wasn't really anything he could do to help the situation himself, he had spoken in court, it was charlies turn and then it was up to the judge.

"Charlie is speaking to the court in a few days, I still haven't picked somebody to be my witness though, andrew said I get to pick someone to tell the court how good of a parent I am, you guys were in America so I couldn't of asked any of you, but if you don't mind I would like one of you to speak" he asked them, nobody would refuse if asked it was just a matter of who would be chosen for the job.

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