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It had been a week since charlie and wilbur returned to their home in england, once charlie had realised that they weren't going back she had gotten abit upset, but other than that their week had been going well, Charlie had even made a new friend when wilbur took her to the park, his name was Cody, he was a really sweet boy, this time their friendship may actually work out.

Wilbur had been talking to quackity about what to say in court, he had a general idea but he had alot of hope that he would win the court case, her past father was abusive and left her on the streets, he had been nothing but good to her so was there really anything to worry about? He didn't think so.

Today was the first court meeting, he had been stressfully calling quackity all morning, what if the jury judged him on his job, a streamer/musician didn't sound like a very reliable job, he shouldn't even be stressing about any of this he was supposed to be helping charlie get changed.

He was wearing his suit, apparently that's what your supposed to wear in a court room, apparently it would show the court that he was a responsible parent, but he was a good and responsible parent no matter what he wore.

It didn't really matter what charlie wore, she was still a child but wilbur wanted to look more reliable for taking care of her so he put her in a pretty green dress. She looked adorable.

Wilbur of course was extremely nervous but he didn't want to project that onto charlie, so he had been smiling all morning, trying to boost her own mood.

It was five minutes before they'd have to leave in order to get there in time, charlie was getting quite nervous, of course wilbur had been cheering her up and trying to act like everything was okay but she wasn't completely stupid, she knew where they were going and she knew that it was bothering him.

"Daddy w-what's wrong?" She asked him, they were sat in the car together, charlie in a car seat in the back, wilbur sat in the front on the car, he was trying to act as if everything was fine and he was fine, but charlie could see him rubbing his head, she could hear him constantly sighing.

"Nothings wrong Charlie, don't worry, come on let's go, I might even buy you macdonalds on the back" he said, turning around to face the girl and plastering a bright smile on his face.

Once at the court it was very intimidating for both charlie and wilbur, charlie was in wikburs arms, tears threatened to fall from her eyes but wilbur kept reassuring her that everything would be okay as he whispered those things in her ear.

Both of their nerves grew as they sat in the court room, wilbur in one chair next to charlie and his lawyer, andrew. Andrew was a really nice guy and wilbur seemed to trust him, charlie was still a bit uneasy around him, but he had been trying his hardest all day to befriend the little girl.

Charlie had been given a stuffed animal that morning, why? She had been told by Andrew that she got one each time that she came into court. Today's stuffed animal was a dragon, a small purple one, it was extremely fluffy and he told her that she could even take it with her into the scary court room.

Charlie's eyes lit up when she heard that, that one sentance eased up her fear of the tall blonde man.

He had even explained to her what the court was, apparently it was just a room where the judge decides who's good, who's bad, and the judge today would decide which of her daddy's she would be staying with.
Charlie of course, being as young as she is, did not understand the concept at all, but went along with it anyway.

Charlie looked around the room, as stealthily as she could as to not be seen by anybody, but when she looked to her right she met eyes with someone across the room that she hadn't seen for almost a year.

Her father.

He smiled brightly as her, waving his hand as a hello, wilbur didn't see the interaction he was too busy talking to Andrew about what to say.

He didn't see Charlie smile back at him, he didn't see Charlie waving back as if this man hadn't left her out on the streets in the cold and rain all that time ago.

The man across the room was making silly faces as the girl, wilbur didn't even hear her as she giggled at him.

The judge soon entered the court room, or at least that's what Andrew told Charlie, who was sat imbetween wilbur and himself.

The jugde started the hearing, everything was going well for wilbur until John Adams was called to the witness stand to tell his side of the story, and to tell the judge why he was worthy, and responsible enough to take back Charlie and to adequately look after her.

"I really regret leaving charlie out there, it was definetely not the right way to go about it but I did it for Charlie, I wasn't in the right mind to take care of her, I was constantly drunk and I had depression at that time, so you can understand why I thought that it was in Charlie's best interest to leave my care" John explained, to the court and judge but he wasn't finished yet.

"But I've changed, I've been to rehab and therapy I'm better now, i don't drink anymore, and I'm in a much better mindset, I really thank Will golf for taking care of my daughter and taking her in while I couldn't but I'm ready to take care of her now" he told the judge, smiling sincerely at wilbur.

"But if that's the case Mr Adams, shouldn't you have put her in the system, instead of leaving your daughter on the streets, in the cold and rain, I'd Mr. Gold hadn't of found her that day she could've died out there"
Andrew asked the man, he was trying to figure out some way to come back from that.

"Yes sir, I do think that would have been better than what I did, but as I've said, I wasn't in the right mindset at the time, but I'm much better now, I've moved house, I've gotten a better job and I have the resources to look after charlie" he told the court, he had bought a new, better house, he had even gotten charlie a proper bed and decorations for her room, he really did want Charlie back, and he wanted to take care of her and make her happy, he hoped the judge would allow him to do that.

Wilbur was scared, the judge was smiling as John spoke, it wasn't looking good for him.

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