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Charlie wasn't entirely sure how to feel, when wilbur had broken his promise she was heartbroken, she wanted to hate him in that moment but she couldn't, he had brought her too much happiness to hate him, she just felt... betrayed.

Charlie was rather confused, after leaving wilbur unwillingly she suspected that staying with her previous father once again would be the same as it was before, he would scream and shout, he would drink alot of the 'adult juice' and would end up hitting her, throughout the past week of staying with him she had been on edge, trying to keep a safe distance between them both.

She'd flinch if he moved too quickly or came much too close, it was like she was always scared of him, which in all fairness she was.

What she hadn't expected when she got to his house for it to have more occupants than just him, two more to be exact. Both of the other towered over Charlie, same going for John.

Charlie stood infront of two men, one looking quite alot younger than the other, probably the same height and age as tommy maybe slightly taller and with brown hair.

The smiling man next to him seemed to be his father, who looked abit older than John, maybe by five or six years as he looked around thirty-five.

Charlie looked down at her feet nervously, she had always hated meeting new people, and now she didn't even have wilbur there to help her through it.

John seemed to have sensed her discomfort and bent down to her height, holding up a single finger to the other guys in the room, indicating for them to wait.

"Don't worry Charlie, they're nice okay" he smiled, "do you want to hold my hand, I won't hurt you okay" he suggested, internally hoping she'd say yes or it would be rather awkward for him.

Charlie nodded twice, as much as she was scared of him, she really needed some form of comfort in that moment, and if anything, she could always pretend that it was wilbur holding her hand.

"Okay Charlie, this is my husband Leo, and his son James" he said, looking up at the love of his life, but all of this seemed somewhat familiar to charlie, it almost felt like deja-vu, this whole situation felt the same as before John had started hurting her, when her father and brother were still alive.

"It's nice to meet you charlie, I've heard so many things about you" Leo told her cheerfully, he had a rather deep voice but it was almost soothing to listen to, she could already tell that he had a 'good ghost' as she liked to call it, charlie liked him already which was rare for her, usually it took time to warm up to strangers.

Next James spoke up, smiling lightly as he did, just from that gesture she could tell he was either nice or pretending to be infront of his father's.

He bent down to her height and smiled, "it's nice to meet you charlie, you can call me Jamie if you want to, I really like your name, it sounds so cool" he gasped, definetely overreacting but charlie couldn't tell, after all she was still young, how would she know.

"Th-th-thank-y-you" she stuttered out nervously, this was the fiest thing John had heard her say since he had gained custody and her voice was so sweet, James smiled down at her lovingly, ruffling her hair up happily, and Charlie couldn't help but giggle, completely forgetting where she was.

That was the start of the week and Charlie had suspected that it would most likely go downhill at some point, as soon as she did something wrong or whenever they finally got sick of her.

But that moment never came, at least not yet but charlie didn't think it would,
She had hope that things might actually go well, but she couldn't help but miss wilbur, just not as much as she thought she would've, it felt odd without him but her new family had been accommodating her well.

She did wonder how wilbur was doing, but that thought was at the back of her mind.

She and Jamie got along well, same with Leo, or dad, as he had said she could call him.

Jamie was nice, charlie had been with him the majority of the week, partly because he wanted her to be, partly because she had been attempting to avoid John.

She had learnt alot about him, he liked games, just like wilbur and all of his friends, he actually happened to be fans of the dream smp which charlie had learnt was the minecraft thingy that wilbur was apart of.

Jamie had been trying to teach her how to play psychonaughts on his PlayStation which was relatively fun despite the fact that she wasn't very good, but it was nice that he didn't get frustrated with her.

"What was it like living with the wilbur soot, it must have been cool huh" the seventeen year old asked the small girl, who was hanging out with him in his bedroom, originally they had been playing games but charkie had been getting tired so they both went and layed down in his bed, it was nice being able to hug someone, it felt similar to when she lived with wilbur, and she liked that.

Charlie yawned quitely, fighting to stay awake.

"G-good, h-he's n-nice" she replied slowly, sleep slowly taking her.

"You looked really happy on their streams, do you miss them?" Jamie asked, already knowing her response, he didn't mind, they were her family for a while, he just hoped she was enjoying her time now.

Charlie nodded in response, too tired to verbally give him an answer, he brushed a hand through her hair lightly, sending her off into a long peaceful sleep.

Maybe she could be happy here.

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