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My whole body was in turmoil. Dimitri left me wanting, no— needy for more. Yet, soon after an intense feeling of regret mixed with guilt washed over me. Spending time with him and being so close to him had let me lose sight of why I was back in Seattle in the first place.

The roaring sound coming from my stomach snapped me out of my thoughts. I was hungry, but at the same time I felt so damn tired. I knew Dom would come looking for me once he reached home which is why I tried to avoid falling asleep.

But it was so hard to stay awake that I kept falling asleep and waking up. In my mind only a few minutes had gone by until I checked my phone and saw the time.

I got out of bed and sprinted to the bathroom, anxious that someone would walk into the room. I once again stood in front of the mirror where I was having a conversation about this very situation with myself just a day prior to this one.

I splashed water onto my face and pushed my hair back, wetting it. Then I stepped into the shower to get rid of the stickiness between my legs. Touching myself caused flashes of Dimitri to cross my mind, I hated it.

I hated it, because I knew I had to get rid of the sexual excitement that he brought me in order to stop my imagination from running as wild as it was; a game that was far too dangerous to take part in, considering that I only had about three days left before I would leave again.

I quickly changed into more comfortable clothes and headed downstairs, hoping that Marissa and Dom were already home. The place was quiet, too quiet for Dom to be home or so I thought until I found the three of them in the backyard. Dom and Dimitri were in the pool whilst Marissa sat on one of the pool chairs, reading a magazine and snacking on macarons.

As soon as she noticed me, she put the magazine down, "Hope it's okay that Dom's in the pool, he really wanted to swim." She carefully said.

"As long as he's safe."

"Of course, were you able to rest? Mattia told me you guys had a busy morning."

"Yeah. It was— quite busy." I gulped.

"Mummy," Dom who was in Dimitri's arms called out to me which made Dimitri swim to the side of the pool. He lifted Dom out of the water, who then ran towards me.

"Aren't you cold?"

He shook his head, even though he was shivering.

"Okay, come on. You're shivering." I walked him to Marissa who held out a towel ready for him. "Did you have fun today?"

"Yes." He spoke with a mouthful of the sweet cookie since he had shoved it into his mouth all at once. "I played games. And— and there was this other boy."

"Did you play together?" His storytelling put a smile on my face.

"Uhhu." He answered, leaving his story with an abrupt ending as his attention was now solely focused on the colorful cookies.

I took one for myself and as I bit into it, I noticed Dimitri get out of the pool. I watched him from the corner of my eye, discretely and cautiously. He looked like he was sculpted, not to perfection but definitely damn near it. This man had a certain hold on me that made me blush like a teenager.

"How are you feeling?" He stopped in front of us, his words directed at me.

"I'm alright."

"Hungry? You haven't eaten anything all day." He licked his lips in a seductive manner. Especially when he tried to hold back a naughty smile.

Creed of the Leviathan IIOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant