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"Shit. Shit." Her voice caused me to twist and turn in bed. I tried to ignore the rumbling going on in the room, but the loud ringing of a cellphone made it impossible to do so. I groaned as I propped myself up by the shoulders, only to be hit in the face with my shirt which Nuelle had thrown at me as she mouthed the words; "Get dressed".

"Yes, hi Nessa! Yes, I'm awake. Okay. Yes, okay." She answered the phone as she continued gathering her clothes. I did not rush to get dressed. Instead, I stayed put and enjoyed my view of her running around in just the thong she had on last night. "Anthony and Nessa are on their way up with Dom. I need you to stay in here. Okay?" She said as soon as the call was ended.

"Breathe. Your voice is shaky. They'll notice right away that you're hiding something." I got out of bed to put on my boxers. In the seconds I was fully naked I caught her briefly eyeing my manhood that stood half erect, before she looked away shyly.

"Can you get dressed?"

"Why? You didn't have a problem with me being naked all night."

A light blush formed on her cheeks and her lips threatened to curve into a smile that she tried to suppress. She was about to say something when we heard the front door opening and a womans voice echoing through the thin walls.

"We're here!" Nessa announced.

Nuelle's eyes grew wide, "Sshh." She held her pointer finger in front of her lips, mouthing "Stay here" right after.

"Coming." She fought to wear a bra before putting on a T-shirt and shorts she randomly pulled out of one of her closet drawers. "Hi! Did you have a good night?" By the sound of her baby-like voice I knew that she was talking to Dom. "I've missed you so, so much!"

I could hear the others mumble, but I was not focused enough to clearly make out what was being said until the woman asked something that caused me to stop what I was doing.

"And— how was your evening with your hot boss?"

I walked closer to the door as my interest piqued. Patiently, I waited for Nuelle to answer the question but all she did was beat around the bush. "It was a nice event. Very organized."

"That's it?"

"I don't know what you were expecting. It was a work thing, and I had a nice time."

"I'm not buying that. This is the same guy you said was extremely attractive and all you have to say now is that you had a nice time?"

"I— yeah."

"Hhmm. He's here isn't he."

"What? You're crazy." Nuelle's nervous chuckle was full of suspicion, enough to make Nessa not believe her.

"You're such a bad liar. He's definitely here. You slept with your boss?" She attempted to whisper which was almost as loud as her normal speaking voice.

"Can you shut up! He isn't." Nuelle replied in a defensive, aggressive whisper.

I took a deep breath as my eyes found the ceiling. She was clear in wanting me to stay in the room, but I could not do that whilst they believed that she had been with her boss. The need to put the record straight to cope with my jealousy was enough to make me go against her request despite knowing that she was going to be pissed off by it.

"Good morning," I walked through the door with a smile.

Vanessa looked at me with raised eyebrows whilst her lips were pressed together. Emmanuelle on the other hand, looked as if she was trying to shoot me down with her eyes. In this moment of awkwardness Anthony came walking through the front door, talking about where he parked the car before he too got sucked into the silence that surrounded us with a facial expression similar to his partner's.

Creed of the Leviathan IIWhere stories live. Discover now