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"Aren't you going to get that one?"

My eyes slashed towards Isaac, who was aggressively pressing his fingers down on his keyboard. His eyes did not connect with mine and neither did he stop typing. How could someone look so focused, yet get that easily distracted?

My phone vibrated again.

"Do not," I stated. "Do not ask me again."

"Seven times." He murmured as he continued murdering his keyboard.

"Oh, are we keeping count?" My eyebrows hugged, "Sir, with all due respect– that's very weird. And creepy, might I add."

The typing stopped. I felt his eyes burn holes in the side of my body. I did not care. I was mad. At Dimitri and now at Isaac. I did not need to be reminded that Dimitri was blowing up my phone like a maniac. Yet, all my boss did was do exactly that.

"Is there a reason why I'm on the receiving end of your aggressiveness on this beautiful morning?" He smiled.

I did not see the humor in it.

"You tell me. Is there a reason why bothering me is on top of your to do list?"

He was quiet for a few seconds. I was almost at the door when he stopped me, saying, "If your anything was on top of my to do list, you'd be in a much better mood right now." His response being as calm and natural as ever, even when he said this daring sentence that left too much room for interpretation. "I've asked you three times already to take care of those," he pointed at the notes scattered in the corner of my desk, "but since your focus is elsewhere, you didn't hear me."

"You thought being nosy was going to help?" I answered after a quick second of working passed his comeback.

"No. If I wanted to be nosy, you would've probably gone to HR by now." He did his half smile thing again. "As a friend," he closed his laptop and made himself more comfortable in his chair, "Care to tell me what's going on?"

"There's nothing to tell." I lied.

"Fine. Then as your boss, why have you been losing focus on your work?"

"I haven't." The tone of my voice turned poisonous.

"Then I don't suppose that there is a reason to get defensive, is there?" He kept on his ridiculous smile.

I stomped back to my desk, gathered the notes and pushed them into my notebook. I had never walked out of that room as fast as I did in that moment and though slamming the door of my boss' office was not a good idea, I did it anyway.

In the elevator my phone started vibrating again. Overcome by irritation, I declined his call and turned off my phone. I was no longer mad at him. I am not sure if I was mad in the first place, however I was surely confused by his sudden burst of outrage during his last call.

Was it a crime to play the punishment game with him when it came to sex? With miles between us, it were these little games that could help keep things interesting. Or so I thought. Little did I know that it would cause such a disturbance on my sanity. The guy possessed the ability to really do a number on me and still— there I was turning my phone back on to see if he had called again, just seconds after it was turned off.

"Stop it." I whispered to myself. I was being dramatic, far too emotional for someone who had spent the majority of her life trying to become strong.

The elevator stopped on the level floor since I needed to be on the Marketing department. I was walking past the information desk when one of my colleagues who I had barely ever spoken to before stopped me.

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