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"Do you want to talk about it?" I asked as I put Dom in his bed. We had just gotten back from Anthony's place.

She scoffed as she held her temples. "No, I really don't."

"Don't do that," I pulled her closer to me, "If something is wrong— we have to talk about it."

She drew in a long breath that was puffed out with anger, "Anthony is such an ass for doing this. Even if he doesn't agree— I, I don't even know what to think." She sighed.

"I think he's overreacting too. But then again— can you blame him? He's been through a lot because of my family."

Her eyes fell down to the floor.

I lifted up her chin, making her look me in the eyes. "I'm sure he'll come around." I said, though a feeling deep inside of me had already convinced me that he would not.

"You're leaving tomorrow. I don't want to spend tonight worrying about anything."

"Me neither," I wrapped my arms around her frame, pressing my lips against her forehead. "Let's order in. Watch a movie? Or we can just stare at each other. Maybe you can still catch me doing something suspicious. Proof that I'm indeed a clone."

She playfully rolled her eyes at me as she shook her head, "Not funny. We're passed that joke." Her lips formed another smile. We settled on her small couch, watching an episode of The Golden Girls. Halfway through the episode our food was delivered.

I hated every second of the show, but she enjoyed it and I love watching her enjoy things. We stayed up until the early hours of the morning. Then we drank coffee to the sunrise after which I went to my hotel room to gather my stuff.

"I'll try to come visit in about a week. Will you be okay until then?"

She nodded. I was not convinced that she was sure, but I needed to trust that she would tell me if something was wrong or if she needed me.

Once I landed in Seattle, I scheduled a meeting with both, Christoph and Emilio, who would be returning later that day. Having people congratulate me on my success was something I was used to. Yet, my mind could not help but think the worst when Anthony congratulated me on the casino. Perhaps, this feeling brewed inside of me because of the way he said it. Nuelle did not seem to think anything of it which I was more than happy about.

Anthony had worked for me for many years. The very reason why I hired him was because of his resources, the man had many ways to gain information about anything and everything. Therefore, I should not have been surprised that he learned about my business.

The two men sat in front of my desk. Every now and then they would look at one another. Mostly, confused. Both denied having any contact with their former colleague. Meaning that someone on the outside was feeding Anthony information or— he was keeping tabs on me which did not make sense since he did not have any reason to do so.

"Emillio," I took a deep breath, "I need you to look into Anthony's new job. What he does, who he's in contact with. And what he knows about the casino."

Emilio nodded as he made a few notes on his phone.

"How are Rylee and Amara?" I asked, hoping that some good news would come my way.

"Safe. Rafael hasn't made any contact."

"And Tobias?"

"The last time she spoke with him was over a year ago. He hasn't been the same since he found out that she lied about the situation. Says that he feels betrayed that she didn't tell him that Amara is Marco's."

Creed of the Leviathan IIWhere stories live. Discover now