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"I will only do right by you," Affirmative in his answer he was, holding up two fingers as though he needed to swear upon his promise. "The only rule I will live by,"

"I should know better than to blindly believe that" Our eyes were not linked. But I could feel his on me.

"Why is that?" There was a quick turn in his disposition. Suddenly, he was radiating less confidence. I always loved to see emotions switch within people. I believe it to be the ultimate display of their humanity. However, with Dimitri, I always craved to be part of the show, to see how my emotions affected his.

"The creed of the leviathan? How promising does that sound?" I looked over my shoulder.

He lightly tapped the book he was firmly holding in his hands, his tongue slowly darting against his lips. I recognized the book, still, it did not receive much of my attention.

"Do you believe me to be that monstrous?" His head slightly turned towards me; an evident switch of the cocky vibe I was used to, to a more humbling one. One barely showed.

Each time his eyes opened and closed; they grew weaker with defeat.

A repressed smile formed among my lips, as I made my way to him. My fingers replaced the book and interlocked with his whilst his eyes mirrored mine.

"No," I shook my head disapprovingly. "Powerful," The doubt in his eyes disappeared. They were now filled with both, softness and temptation.

"You're going to make me loose myself," His lips brushed against mine.

"Then do," I leaned into the kiss.

"Only if you can control me," The words rolled of his tongue onto mine.

An unexpected knock on the door made me push myself back, much to his disagreement.

"Dimitri, come down now. The food is ready." Said Tia.

'Tia?' Something felt off, my intuition was strong about this weird feeling. Yet, I remained silent about it.

"Thanks Tia, I'll be down soon."

He turned to me, giving me another soft kiss as his hands pulled me closer to him.

"Tell Nuelle to come down too." Tia's voice floated through the door again.

Our eyebrows frowned at each other. We were unsure of how to react or how the other would want the other to react. I buried my head in his chest, clenching my teeth.

"I haven't seen her." He lied.

"I know she's with you."

I could feel his heartbeat in mine, both racing out of shock. He gently let go off me and headed to the door. I tugged his arm, begging him not to open it.

He pulled the door to meet the wall before he turned to me and then back to Tia, who gave both of us a side smile that seemed forced. Next thing I knew we were sitting at the kitchen island, Dimitri next to me and Tia opposite us. He brought his hand down his face before putting it in mine.

"Is he good to you?" She looked up at me.

"Tia," Dimitri scoffed, obviously offended.

"No," She held her pointer finger up at him, her face hardened, showing nothing other than seriousness. "Is he good to you?" She retorted.

"He is." I nodded reassuringly.

"All I want is for you to be happy." She spoke to both of us. "And if this makes you happy, then you have my blessing."

Creed of the Leviathan IIWhere stories live. Discover now