Chapter 12

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I couldn't sleep this night. It was terrible.
I am sitting in class and I couldn't. How could I? How could I concentrate when I know that I have a stalker.
It is scary but I can't tell anyone. I don't want to know what will happen if I do that.

If Im being honest I wanted to stay home for today but at the same time I didn't want to be alone. Taro and my aunt wanted to visit a friend of his today and my parents are at work so nobody would be there.

"Hey (Y/N), are you alright? The break started 5 minutes ago and you're still staring at your paper."
As I looked up I saw Kaoru waiting for me.
"Oh yes sorry, I'm fine." I lied to her.
"Are you coming?" She asked
"Yes let's go then."

My friends distracted me during the break and I managed to calm down.
I still looked around several times but nobody looked suspicious at all. On the school yard were only a few students and teachers.
"(Y/N), are you searching for something?" Haruka suddenly asked me.
'Am I this easy to read?' I thought.
"Oh no I was just daydreaming that's all." I tried to explain.

Jun didn't look at me with confusion like the others did. Instead he looked worried. But he stayed silent the whole break.
It was his last day at this school. I thought he would talk to me more since yesterday but I guess I was wrong.

Before the break was over I decided to go to the bathroom. My friends already went to our next class so I was nearly alone.
On my way there I met Kaido. He insulted me like almost everytime he sees me but I managed to ignore him. I didn't even feel offended by this, it's just annoying.

After I was done I walked to my next class as I heard some footsteps. Most of the students are already in class so it has to be a teacher but something made me feel uncomfortable so I decided to walk away.

As I did the footsteps didn't get quieter. I walked a bit faster. 'There was no reason for me to feel so uncomfortable. So why do I walk so fast?' I thought.
As soon as I entered the classroom and saw my friends and I felt relieved.

Before I could walk over to my friends the door opened and Mr. Ishizawa walked in.
I don't know why but he seemed happier than usual.
But as I saw that he was holding a test in his hands I already got worried.
And at the first task I totally gave up my existence.
It was almost impossible for me to even understand the tasks.

I raised my hand and Mr. Ishizawa walked over to me. "Is there a problem?" He asked.
"Is this the right test you gave me?" I asked while I hoped that this was just a mistake.

He looked at the paper. "Yes, this is the right one." Mr. Ishizawa said and I looked at the paper again. "Okay thank you." I said and he walked to the teacher's desk in front of me.

After about 10 minutes I gave my test to the teacher like everybody. He almost smirked as I handed him my paper.
I really did my best but I couldn't understand a single question.

When class was over I asked Haruka and Kaoru how their tests were. For my surprise they found it very easy. This just made me even more confused.

I looked in my schoolbag to get my lunch but I didn't find anything. This day is getting worse. ' I am so damn tired and now I have to starve? I don't even have money with me to buy something.'
I sighed and me and my friends went to our next class.

I almost fell asleep at the last 10 minutes of the lesson but fortunately the schoolbell rang loud enough for me to not fall asleep.
'Finally the class is over and I can go home.' I packed my schoolbag and went outside the classroom to see Shihori who wanted to go home with me.
I accepted her offer. Honestly I don't want to be alone right now so I am really happy that she was there.

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