||25|| Hot Babe of Wakanda

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Victoria has been sitting on the ground for what felt like an hour. It wasn't an hour. It wasn't even ten minutes. Vic is impatient.

Shifting to her stomach, she half crawls, half drags herself put from the shield of debris.

Did she die and go to hell?
It was pure chaos.
Aliens, fighting, blasters and guns, death everywhere.

But..in the middle of it all, she can easily make out the gold and red metal suit belonging to the one and only Tony Stark.
Along with something she can only describe as a purple thumb.

What was he doing? What was on his hand?

She crawls closer, watching as the aliens begin crumbling to dust.
Victoria huffs, she still couldn't exactly see what was going on.
She groans, rolling onto her back, exhausted.

. . .

Victoria's P.O.V

Ugh, where is everyone??

I understand there was just like, this massive war, and I napped for five years, and they all probably forgot about me; but where the heck are they? Besides swarming where Tony was earlier.

They've been just standing there for like, ten minutes!! Did anyone forget I broke my fuckin' leg? I should probably get it checked out!

What's Rhodey holding? Why is everyone- oh no.
Bucky and Tony??
How many more people are gonna die because of Thumbelina?

Third Person P.O.V

Victoria looks up at the woman who helped her before, thanking her as she helps her stand.

"Let us get you some help," The woman smiles, Vic's arm around her shoulder as she takes her over to some guy with a similar hairstyle and goatee as Tony, but he wears a blue outfit with a large red cape.
"Mr. Strange, would you mind transporting me back to Wakanda? This young child needs immediate medical attention."

Vicky just looks at her. Wakanda??
She's going to Wakanda??!

. . .

Victoria winces as she shifts, a thick cast on her right leg.

"You will be better soon," the woman, who introduced herself as Shuri, tells her.
"Do you have a family?"

"A mom; and a mum- she's not actually my mum, but I call her mum anyways. My dad died last year..or six years ago, rather. I also, have..or had, three father figures. I only have one now."

"Quite a bit of family, hm? I just have a brother. My pappa died in 2016, my mamma long before that."

"Hm, when can I go home? I mean, Wakanda is dope as shit, but my mom is probably worried."

"I will have someone take you home. It was nice meeting you, Victoria."

"You, too. And you can just call me Vic."

No texting again! Apologies!

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