🌎My Marvel Universe🌎

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Welcome to the breakdown of MMU. Here, I will give you an idea of the timeline, and certain things that I have done to like, alter things. WARNING: CONTAINS SPOILERS FOR THE MCU AND MY BOOKS. DON'T READ IF YOU DON'T WANT SPOILERS TO BOOKS, MOVIES, ETC.

A) Tony was found out in the desert when he was, in 2010, because John Grayson helped find him.

B) Loki does try to take over Midgard and stuff, but he ends up disappearing for a little bit, then shows back up when Sundancer comes into the picture.

C) Now, Sally Grayson and John Grayson end up having a son in 2017, but in 2018, IW, Sally and the son(Jaxon) end up blipping.
Loki and Sundancer have a daughter. Loki and the daughter(Edda) blip as well.

D) Loki is still alive because when Thanos is choking him, Sun comes over and chops the titan's hand off, saving her husband.
Thanos still gets the stone and just ditches the injured heroes in space.
Sun and Loki also get to meet the Guardians of the Galaxy, and I'm sure Sun gets called sexy too many times by the men(and maybe a few times by Gamora), and Loki flips out a bit.
Now, Sun knows John and Sal from 2012, and her daughter is with Jessica during the IW battle.

E) Tony Stark has another daughter. I may have made the man a second daughter, named Mysie. She is 2 years younger than Morgs, so she was around 2 or 3 when Tony passed.

F) Rebecca Barnes' daughter, idk her name, Bucky's niece, ends up marrying a Russian man and having a child, so if you follow timelines, Buck has a living great niece who is about in her teens.

G) A new teen comes into the picture after Tony's passing, her having spider powers like Peter.
They end up getting together and have 5 kids, named after important loved ones they lost.
Benjamin Parker(B.P obvi)
Tony Parker(Mr. Stark)
May Parker(Y'all know)
Sylvia Parker(Sylvester Maon, the spider teen's dad who dies)
Stephanie Parker(Steve)

H) Sylvester Maon, the spider teen's(Aria Maon)dad, is the husband of Rebecca Grayson. Meaning, Beck ends up having a spider child, who ends up getting married to Spiderman, who then John is their uncle :/

I) I lied before, Bucky does not have a great niece. He has two great nieces.

For those of you wondering why I made certain people stay dead, is cuz Nat's death is vital, and if I brought Tony back to life, his daughter wouldn't get the adventure she'll get when she's older.
Vision's death is also vital.

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