||36|| GOOSE

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Victoria is seated on the couch next to Sam, her arm in a cast as it lays over her chest.

It's been two days since the hallucinations started, and it's upset the order of the tower; not only from the girl randomly going into panicked screaming fits, but Vic was just generally distressed. Her usual attitude had been cut to the stump by the terrors, and she just hasn't been the same.

She's still been sassy and absolutely ridiculous, but not as lively.

Anywhosies, here she is on the couch, currently trying to ignore whatever the hell is whispering in her ear.


Her only reply?

"Bro shut the fuck up."

But it kept whispering, calling her to who knows where.
Victoria knew where.
It wanted her on the roof.

"I'm gonna go grab something from my room," she tells Sam, who nods and keeps one ear uncovered as she walks away.

Stepping into the elevator, Vic heads up.
She's gonna tell that evil cloud to shut up, face-to-face.

. . .

Victoria stares into the cloud's orange eyes, swearing he had the ability to smirk, even without a mouth.

"You finally accepted your fate, Victory," he hisses, floating towards her slowly.

"No, actually. I came up here to tell you to SHUT THE FUCK UP!! Like, my god, I can't get a single ounce of quiet out of you?"



"Victory, within the awakening of your gift, I have finally found you. The insolent child thought she could hide you, but it only took me 16 measly Midargian cycles."

Unfortunately for her, Victoria is actually getting interested.

"I cannot do much for you in this form, but find my general, and she can take you to me. The real me."

"And why in the 9+ realms would I do that?" Victoria scoffs, her hands flying to her hips.

"Because if you do not, you will suffer with the thought that you are not of Midgard, or Asgard. You are of a realm inside the nightmares of the gods.

And you will never know how you became.. who you are.. and who you will become."

The offer is tempting, but Vicky isn't stupid.

That's entirely wrong, she is very stupid.

"Where do I find your general?"

The nonexistent smirk grows.

. . .

"Eden Callihan.." Vic mumbles as she hovers over the city.
"Fern inc. Warehouse..."

She couldn't really see the sign, but there was a giant metal fern statue on the roof of a certain building, so she flies down and returns to her normal look.

As she stares up at the metal door, she thinks. This is probably like, some evil place, isn't it.
As the thought enters her mind, her figure shimmers until she's dressed all gothic.

"Guess I really embraced the look, huh," she jokes as she tosses her black hair into her face to add more edge.

Knocking on the door, she looks up at the large man that answers it, his being towering over her's.

"Ay, this ain't the place for kids. Get lost-"

"Nah, you shut the fuck up," Vic snaps, trying her hardest to act like some, badass goth teen.
"I'm here for an Eden Callihan."

Concern washes over the man's face as he turns to the room behind him.

"Well, who is it, then?!"

"Who are ya?" The man asks the girl before him, who rolls her eyes dramatically.

"Like shit ima tell you," Victoria spits, crossing her arms.
"Now, you can either let me in, or I'll let myself in."

"You can't do that!" The man scoffs, earning another eyeroll from the girl and gaping open his mouth as she turns into smoke, swooshing right past him and landing in the building, hundreds of guns suddenly held up in her direction.

. . .

Sam has been waiting patiently on the couch for twenty minutes.
Why? Plot reasons.
He has gotten quite worried for the girl in his care at this point, and hops off the couch to locate her.

. . .

"Yo, kid? You okay in there?" Sam asks, knocking on Victoria's bedroom door.
"What are you doing, making a sandwich? Vic?"

Sam opens the door, finding the room empty.
That lying...very smart child!!!

. . .

"Oi, why the fuck are you in my castle," Goose sneers, Victoria finally getting a good look at the woman.
Short, fuzzy red hair falls in curly corkscrews past her ears and over her practically glowing gold eyes.
She has a round face shape, giving her a young appearance, but her age is still unknown.
But it's the massive feathered wings sprouting from her back that draw the most of the child's attention.

Vic only chuckles.
"Nice to meet you, Eden."

Goose tenses, nodding to the armed guests, ordering them to let up their weapons, as she walks up to the girl.
"Who are you?"

"I am Victory."

Goose begins to chuckle, but it soon turns to a full blown laugh.


A/N: no text sorry <3
There will be more soon I promise

If I made this into a podcast...would you listen to it?

And for those of u who realized, yes I did change Eden's name to Presley :)

Update: 12/20/2022, why the fuck did I change the beautiful name Eden to pResLeY. Like, Presley is okay, but Eden is magical!! Also, Presley's (now Eden I'm changing it back) last name is Callihan coz I'm Grae not her >:(

- 𓅿

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