Chapter 26: If Tonight Goes Well

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Later That Night

Amy quickly lead me through the wings, eventually making it to my platform under the stage. I leaned down, positioning myself in the center in an uncomfortable squat. My heart started beating faster as the murmurs of the crowd started getting louder and louder, more and more restless as every minute went past showtime.

I always hated when we started late.

"Tony told me what happened." Amy said, squatting down next to me. "With Don."
"I really don't want to talk about that right now." I sighed, looking back up at the stage.
"Okay.." She said, holding her stare on me. "But.. you know this is huge."

Of course I knew this was huge. Did she really think I wanted my wedding to happen like this? I was no different than any other girl. I wanted my wedding to be special, not a public spectacle just because it was "time."

"Yes, I know, Amy." I snapped. I hated being rude to her but she knew that I hated talking before a show. I was anxious enough as it was. She caught on.
"Okay." She said, backing away. "H-have a good show."

I took a deep breath, hearing the screams start to get louder. I then jumped at the feeling of someone's hand on my shoulder.
"What did I say about-" I stopped, feeing my heart jump, a smile escaping my lips. "O-oh."
"Sorry." Jake laughed. "I didn't mean to scare you. I just.. wanted to wish you luck." I reached out, gently touching his cheek, trying to make out the rest of his face in the darkness. He moved in closer, squatting down next to me.

"Thank you." I sighed. He shrugged, peeking up at the stage.
"This is very.. theatrical." I shook my head, trying to contain my smile.
"Yeah, all part of the show." I mocked, rolling my eyes.
"Well, I think it's.. kinda cool."
"Then I'll put in a good word for you guys. You can pop up from the ground too." I laughed. He bit down on his lip, his eyes moving down to mine.

"Have you thought about-" I shook my head, cutting him off.
"I don't want to think about that. Not now." He nodded, now holding onto my arm. My heart started beating faster, my body getting hot.
"Okay. Well, if you want.. if you're.. allowed, the guys and I are gonna go out after the show. Way more subtle than the places you're used to. I don't know.. maybe you'd like it, if we can sneak you out." He giggled, now reaching up, gently caressing my face. I couldn't help but smile. There was just something about him that made it impossible not to.

"You know I can't be seen with you guys." I finally said, accepting the fact that I really didn't have a say in the matter anyway. He nodded, his face dropping.
"Right, I'm.. I'm sorry. I just thought.. no, you're right. I don't want to make anything worse for you. I.. I know it's not easy, and.. I'm sorry you're going through this.. you don't deserve this, I just.."

I couldn't help but get lost in the subtle glow from the stage reflecting into his eyes. Just moments ago I was an anxious mess and now I wanted nothing more than for him to just take me away to some old, quiet bar where I could pretend to be normal, just for one night.

This wasn't fair. How was it that I was "one of the most powerful women in the world" and yet I had absolutely no power over my own life? This wasn't fair. None of this was fair. This was my life. I made this. I did all of this. All of these people, every filled seat, every ticket sold.. was because of me. Half of my songs were about empowerment and strength and here I was cowering away the second life gets hard. Was the "brand" braver then the woman herself?

".. I won't pretend to understand what you're going through, and I know I never will.."

I had to start standing up for myself.
I was going to take what I wanted.
And the first thing.. was right in front of me.

"I just want you to be happ-"
I quickly reached out, holding his face in my hands and pulled him into a passionate kiss. He jumped, hesitating for a moment before moving in closer, kissing me back harder. I slowly moved my hands down his chest, tightly gripping onto his jacket as he gently caressed my neck. By now the screams were blaring, the glowing light on his face fading to black. I knew it was only a matter of time before the stage opened up. He finally backed away, staring back at me with wide eyes, catching himself as his jaw dropped.

"W-wha.. I.. um.." He stuttered, his lips curling into a smile. I shook my head, pulling him back into another quick kiss before I saw the stage open above me.
"Jake, will you-"
"I'll be here when you're done." He nodded, backing away from me as the platform slowly started to rise. I held on tight to his hand for as long as I could before we were pulled apart, the arena erupting in a deafening roar and I was alone once again.

After the Show

I waved to the crowd, flashing them a toothy grin before squatting back down and letting the pedestal take me back underneath the stage again. The entire show went by in a blur; all I could think about was that kiss, and how badly I wanted to do it again and again and again..

By the time I made it all the way down, I was instantly faced with Amy and the rest of my team ready to begin the deconstruct once again. I looked around as they removed my costume, piece by piece, wrapping me up in a silk robe. And then finally, I spotted Jake standing further back, watching from afar. He gave me a gentle wave when I finally met his eyes, waving him over. He hesitated for a moment, but eventually pushed his way past the crowd.

"Great show." He said, flashing me a wide grin. "The view is much better from back he-"
"Sir, you can't be back here." Security said, reaching out and tightly grabbing his arm.
"Let go of him!" I snapped. "He's with me." Jake stared up at him nervously until he finally let him go, glaring back at me before continuing backstage. I sighed, fixing his sleeve.
"Sorry about that. They.. they get a little crazy sometimes."
"It's okay." He said, standing back, trying to stay out of everyone's way as one took down my hair, another one tying it into a fresh bun on the top of my head. "I feel better knowing they look out for you, at least. Don't want just any weirdos wandering around back here." I nodded, giggling to myself.

"It's happened before."
"Oh, I believe it." He laughed. "After seeing you up there, I can understand how.." He stopped, his voice trailing off. I peeked back over at him, my cheeks burning red.
"You understand.. what?" I asked, my smile growing.
"I.. you just.. n-nothing. You.. you were just.. you looked.." He shook his head, biting down on his lip. He was.. so cute.
"Thanks." I finally muttered, smirking back at him. He nodded, looking down at his feet.

As the team finished up, I grabbed Jake's hand, leading him through backstage as Amy brought us down the hallway towards the dressing rooms. She peeked back at me, giving me a subtle smile before heading in, shutting the door behind her. I knew what she was doing.

"Hey, so um.." I said, grabbing onto his arm, pulling him off to the side. I looked around, making sure no one could see us. "I.. I want to come out with you guys tonight." His eyes lit up.
"You do? O-okay, but.. how-"
"We'll.. we'll figure something out. We'll dress me down, I don't know. But.. they'll never expect me to be in a place like that, it'll be fine. I want to go out with you." He bit down on his lip, his smile growing.
"I mean, I want you to go out with me too but.. you may be getting engaged soon, and that kind of complicates things.. don't you think?" He joked. I nodded, trying to contain my smile. How he could manage to make me smile about something like this..

"Well, maybe not.. if tonight goes well." I said softly, turning towards the dressing room. He then quickly reached out, grabbing onto my arm, turning me around to face him again, our faces now inches away from each other before he pulled me into another passionate kiss, tangling his fingers in my hair. I slowly moved my hands under his jacket, my fingers gently gliding across his bare chest before eventually wrapping my arms around him.

I then instantly backed away at the sound of the dressing room door opening again, Amy's eyes instantly shooting over to us.
"You ready to head out?" She asked, making her way back over to us. She shot me a look that told me she knew exactly what was going on, subtly motioning over to Jake. I nodded, biting down on my lip.

"Yeah, he's just.. gonna help me get ready."

The Weight of Dreams || Greta Van FleetOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant