Chapter 71: At Last

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He lead me out into the kitchen, subtly reaching his hand back for me to take, keeping his eyes forward. I couldn't help but smile, grabbing onto it and clinging to his arm as I followed closely.

I already felt so safe here, picturing myself waking up with the sun, drinking my morning coffee on his couch who's adjacent window overlooked a never-ending forrest. I'd take my time getting ready in his bathroom, leaving him little messages in the fogged up glass after my hot shower that ran far too long, and then make him breakfast, bringing it to him in bed where he'd arise with a tired smile, just like always.

It was impossible not to get lost in such a peaceful daydream. But for us, it just wasn't realistic.

I was lucky that no one knew I was here now, but once word got out, any inkling of peace we had once known would be gone. Just because I would inevitably be dropped from the label, that didn't mean I would cease to exist all together. But, even for a little bit, living in this world of make believe with him was everything I wanted and more.

I made my way over, hopping up onto the counter like I had seen so many of the girlfriends do in movies, watching as he grabbed one of the wine bottles from the rack and brought it over, along with two glasses.

I admired him as he popped the cork off with ease, effortlessly filling the glasses halfway without spilling a drop, something I had been guilty of many times.

"Red is okay, right?" He asked. I nodded, smiling back up at him. He slid over one of the glasses, eventually holding his up to me. I did the same.
"To you." I said. His smile grew into a flustered grin as his glass tapped against mine chiming out in a joyous ring.

"To us." He agreed, taking a sip while keeping his eyes on me. The wine was sweet, going down almost too easily, leaving my body in a comforting warmth. My heart started beating faster as I saw his cheeks already blushing in a matching shade of flustered red.

He was just as, if not even more sweet.
And how badly I wanted to taste him again.

Looking around, I noticed in the back corner of his living room was a record player, sitting upon a small glass table with a large collection records tightly packed underneath. He noticed my staring.

"Uh oh." He giggled, taking another long sip. "What'd you find?" I hopped down from the counter and went over, sitting down in front of it, carefully flipping through his collection. He came over, sitting down close next to me, leaning his chin on my shoulder as he watched he sift through.

"Anything you like?" He asked. I continue to flip until something finally caught my eye.
"How about this one?" I asked, pulling it out and handing it to him. His smile grew.
"You have great taste." He said, taking it from me and pushing himself up from the ground. I watched as he carefully removed the disc from its sleeve, placing it down, crouching to eye level before gently moving the needle over. I could hear the familiar crackle before it finally started to play.

He then turned to me, holding his hand out to help me up. I felt my heart beat faster as he pulled me closer, wrapping his other arm around me. I leaned my head on his shoulder as we both started to sway.

In this moment, it felt possible; a life like this with him. I could be happy here. With this. Just this.

Just us.

I felt him lean his head against mine, holding me closer.
"I love you." I sighed, the words now so effortlessly falling off my lips like habit. His hand slowly moved up to my neck, pulling me into a deep, tender kiss. How beautiful it felt to be kissed by him; so softly, but so intensely, so intentional in his every move, the way his lips perfectly caressed mine in such fervent desire.

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