Chapter 27: People Like You

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Amy gave me a playful smirk as she nodded, heading back toward the busses.
"We're gonna have to be quick." I said, taking his hand and leading him into my dressing room, shutting the door behind us. He looked around, shaking his head.
"It really is crazy just how different our lives are." He whispered, finally sitting down on one of the couches. I went over to my bag, digging through until I found some clothes I hoped could be subtle enough.

"What about these?" I asked, holding them up.
"Juliette.." He laughed. "Even I know that entire outfit probably costs more than my car." I bit down on my lip, feeling my cheeks burn. Even these were too much? Was I really that far removed from reality? Or at least.. his reality. This was my reality. It wasn't my fault I didn't know any better.

"Well then.. what do you suggest?" I sighed, hesitating before tossing them onto the floor, now carefully placing them down on the arm of the couch.
"I can let you borrow something of mine if you want?" He said softly, peeking over at me. I couldn't help but smile, feeling my heart beat faster. His?

"What do you have?" He quickly ran to their dressing room, bringing his bag over to me.
"Well, there's this.." He said, placing a navy blue sweater into my hands. "And these.." He peeked back over, looking me up and down. "They might be a little big but.. that'll only help." He then handed over a pair of old, faded jeans.
"Thanks." I laughed, inspecting them closer.
"Juliette, they're fine. I promise. Now.. what kind of shoes do you have?" I went back over, pulling out two pairs of sneakers. He shook his head again.
"Don't you have anything.. normal?"
"These are normal."
"Juliette, I wouldn't be surprised if those were real diamonds." I couldn't help but smile, tossing them to the side. Now I didn't want to tell him that we didn't bring the real diamond encrusted shoes on tour, those were just for back home.

"I guess the white ones are fine." He sighed, digging back through his bag again. "Here."
"I'm not wearing that." He sighed, letting down my hair and placing the old baseball hat on my head.
"Yes you are. Now go get changed." He said, motioning towards the bathroom. I held my stare on him, unable to contain my smile before he playfully shoved me away.
"You're the one who said we have to be quick, now go." He laughed. I nodded, finally going in.

It was one of the first times I ever felt.. normal.
Not like me, but just.. someone's girlfriend.
Don never gave me any of his clothes to wear.

Hanging my robe up behind the door, I slid on his jeans which were in fact too big, but at least they stayed up. I guess the baggier the better. I held his sweater up to my face, taking a deep breath. It smelt like him; faint hint of cologne, throughly lived in and well loved. I couldn't remember the last time I had clothes that were more than a few days old. God forbid I was ever photographed in anything twice, so Amy typically had my entire wardrobe rotated out every few days. I pulled it over my head, spinning around in the mirror.

I already felt closer to him.

When I came back out, I saw him already staring back at me from the couch, flashing me a wide grin.
"Well, look at you." He laughed. "I wouldn't even look twice if I saw you on the street." I rolled my eyes, smirking back at him.
"Really? I don't look cute?" I asked, spinning around for him. He bit down on his lip, his cheeks now burning red.
"Of course you look cute." He whispered. "You're beautiful."

My heart jumped as I broke our stare, looking around for my bag again. He got up, going back into the bathroom.
"Hey, don't leave my hat here!" He laughed, putting it back on my head.
"I don't need-"
"Yes you do. And these too." He reached into my bag, pulling out a pair of my sunglasses. "And this time, I'm helping you onto the bus." I nodded, feeling my heart beat faster. I liked how much more comfortable he was getting with me.
"Okay." I moved in closer, wrapping my arms around his neck. He stared back at me with a gentle smile and dazed eyes that slowly moved down to my lips.

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