About the new girl. Chapter 1

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Hi! My name is Peyton. I'm 14 and my family is making me move from Vermont to North Carolina.poo.I am going to Davison Day. My hair is to my mid back and is dark brown.Half of my hair is blue.I have green eyes.Im kinda skinny I quesse. I'm a size 4.Only because I used to starve myself when I was 11 because I was kinda bigger and I was bullyed.I love football.I have a mom,dad,little sister and older brother my sister is 7 my brother is 21.My sisters name is Lindy and my brother is jerry my mom is mindy my dad is dean.But there all by blood.I have a best Freind but I don't call her that I call and introduce her as my sister. Her name is Macy .Thats about it.Oh wait I forgot ....IM A HUGE FAN GIRL OF LIKE EVERYONE .If there famouse I fangirl.

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